310 Today's big announcement: TRUMP TRADING CARDS. OK, back to the salt mines, people! (media.greatawakening.win) When do you play the Trump card? posted 2 years ago by catsfive (context) 2 years ago by catsfive +312 / -2 451 comments download share 451 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Just cut them both out for the sake of your sanity.
People who repeatedly lie to and mislead you, to put it simply, don’t actually respect nor care for you. They are not on your side.
Don’t be as a crack addict. Get clean. Don’t be a psychological junkie for these pushers to profit off of.
They’re not “trolling the Deep State”. They’re trolling you. And they always have been. They ARE the ‘Deep State’.
Get clean, reconnect with yourself and with the words and advice in the Bible and take heed of Jesus advice and ‘see to it that you are not deceived’
What is your take, then. Why are you here? I'm honestly asking. Today was a huge bummer, and I'm here to learn.