posted ago by Witness2Reality ago by Witness2Reality +16 / -2

Apologies for the lack of flow, but this is how the information has come to me and I don't want to taint it by trying to author it or restructure it. 'The universe', 'the void', and 'the trash-can' are all synonymous, with labels befitting the different perspectives. What people often call 'the Elites', 'Archons', etc are refered to as managers...as they aren't any different that you and me apart from the lofty house of cards they sit upon and how far towards the parasitic end of the spectrum they've drifted.

State 1: God, his brothers, and his Father all living in 'perfection'.
God was to his brothers as Cinderella is to her step-sisters.
God's brothers (older, mind you) decided to give him a new 'toy'...of course it wasn't a toy at all, but this universe we call home. God saw the chaos and pain of life inside the universe and began working to improve things (and becoming ever more attached to the victims contained within).

State 2: God's Father comes to a belated realization of what's happened under his roof: The void/cosmic trash-can he had created to dispose of all 'undesirables' (other Gods, if you will) was in his youngest's lap. In a rage, and lacking all composure, he proceeded with an attempt to lie about everything: the nature of this universe and his role in it. With the truth already known, that lie became an epic backfire...God threw himself into the void. Going all-in...not knowing how things would play out. The prospect of continuing to live with a father that killed his entire 'race'...let alone brothers that despised him combined with the moral imperative to fix things and the choice was made. There was WAY more love here, even in the most broken of souls.

State 2, inside the universe: The mechanics of the universe where quite simple. The void lacked connection to source energy, so what were once self-sufficient non-consumers, had to resort to cannibalism. Every new god that was 'disposed of' became an irresistible meal. Eventually there were enough 'consumed gods' that rebellion became a concern...so the managing group worked out some segregation, where the consumed gods became the pioneers of any new host...getting there first to start setting things up the way their pampered bosses like it.

State 3: Pioneers reach God. God utilizes this segregation as a weapon against the managers. He presents the facts to these pioneers, shows them who they are and who their controllers are, and steers them to the Conservative lifestyle. Imparting all that we now think of as conservation, sustainable habitat management, clean honest living. Basically turning what would be parasites into symbiotes that replace the function of his dying cells. [The reason for this is three-fold, for one it at least delays how fast God gets consumed. Second, there's a maximum of 3 gods left in the hopper, and they don't even have the balls to attempt saving their son/brother so I wouldn't count on that food source...if we can't make this one last then everyone loses in the end. Lastly, the only possible way to achieve the above balance is if a good portion of the managers' effective slave population decided to back their new overseer and rebel against the changes that would come when the rest of the parasites made the trip.

State 4, Now (and recent history): All about the managers' efforts to try and untangle the web God wove and get their slaves back in line. With God at the helm life was so easy compared to today. You worked/made what you and your family needed, that being so relatively easy that charity was abundant. Under the managers, you have communism...where the able (mostly former gods) are worked to death to support both a valueless upper management and a failing bottom.

There have been periods of time where this understanding was quite well known, people did freely decide to live in harmony on this new host and rabidly defended it against the rape that had occurred on every prior host. The biggest challenge, of course, is our very nature...parents previously did an incredible job of passing down the way of life, but evermore we are distanced from this foundation. It's a hard reality to accept no matter where one sits, but it's make or break time. The world either stands up for the Host and kills off it's old owners, or we'll live a relatively short time on a dying world and generations to come will find themselves at the apex of chaos and cannibalism...with only time separating humankind from extinction. Regretfully, I do not have the impression that God has any 'power' to save us. His moves have been made....a good analogy would probably be like a big game of chess, where the managers' aren't playing against God anymore, but against some of their own pieces that suddenly are able to make their own moves.

Thanks for your attention, and if you can think of anything that doesn't jive with this (any puzzle pieces that don't seem to fit in this frame) I'd love to entertain it in the comments...I am a bit of a 'debunker', so when I get these 'downloads' I have to totally shut off my analytical mind for a time (and coming back isn't immediate) so I'm relying on you all for that approach.