posted ago by MAGA_Patriot_1776 ago by MAGA_Patriot_1776 +172 / -1

The fight for Freedom of Speech is a matter of life or death for our nation.

~ Donald J. Trump

In Trump's declaration, universities would lose ALL Federal funding for 5 years and maybe more.

Why this is important:

  1. Universities across America are bastions for communism indoctrination. Every few years, entire generations of young minds must navigate the gauntlet of indoctrination that is our higher education system. Not all young people are intrepid enough to go through years of indoctrination, starting at a very young age, and enter the workforce with a discerning, free mind. Sadly, most are manipulated to believe the woke, communist agenda purposely designed and programmed into their cognition.

  2. Universities across America play an outsized roll in creating the "studies" used to justify the political and news narratives that the MSM, big business, big tech, and politicians need to brainwash the masses into taking actions against their own personal health and well being. How many university studies were used during the plandemic? How many news stories use university research to spin their narratives? How many univesity studies are used to justify global warming and green energy?

  3. Most major universities are located in heavily democrat voting cities. This is not a coincidence. Universities attract communist democrats. The professors, faculty, and staff share similar views and create echo chambers of thought. This spreads throughout these communities like a virus.

  4. Many universities across America receive Billions of dollars in research grants from the federal government. Salaries, buildings, and grants rely on this federal funding to operate.

Remove the Billions of dollars from Universities when they censor free speech and these institutions will fall like a house of cards.

Universities rely so much on federal dollars that they would cease to exist in their current business models without the funding. They would literally be destroyed if they disallow free speech. This is a very big deal and one of the most important in my personal opinion.

To turn the tide of war on information, the indoctrination centers must be dealt with first.