What is the precipice?
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Whatever the precipice is, it's eerily described very similar to the "Great Reset" which requires an economic collapse (manufactured of course), all sorts of issues like riots and violence and a point where the people beg for a "solution".
I can tell you if Q's plan is for shit to get so bad that they need people to beg for a military intervention than it's a psyop 100%
And why would I ever wanna see military in the streets anyway? That's the last fucking thing I'd wanna see. In that situation anything can happen and how would we know it's the "white hats"? They could be smashing heads and throwing people into box cars on the other side of town and you'd be clueless. Or even worse, foreign soldiers on our soil.
If the military is the only way they should just start wiping these faggots off the face of the earth and installing real people in there to begin cleansing the system rather than requiring (if required) a collapse.