Hey C5 - I Jeopardy memed your poast "What is the precipice?" kek
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I would have wagered $17
Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. If you'll notice some of President Trumps speeches, he will use the number 17 a lot and also do a Q (swish) with his finger. There are many Q Posts with the #17 in them as well. Keep your eyes open and you will notice them as well.
I really don't know. It just seems to be a 'coincidence' that this number continually pops up. Maybe you need to ask someone other than me who may know a bit more than I do. Sorry wish I could be more helpful. God bless.
Quantum and Q is the 17th letter. We are moving into a Quantum financial future. It's going to be a lot of fun. Imagine a system that is built to focus all energy on all.lives being lived the most successfully.
To a degree, we have children who grow up first.
Excellent question. Each Nation fields a smart team. There will be a Global team. We are moving from the old system into tje new goldbacked currency system. Imagine us all working together to change all the systems around us until they work as fairly for the Nation as can be done. We pay ourselves to do it because we are building a system that will last as long as Humans can live together.