This is a two hour video which I listened to part of, but freenemo on GAB listened to the whole thing, and made these notes, which I'll copy/paste here if anyone is interested....
If there's a SOC, Col. Douglas Macgregor is in it. If you want to hear what the SOC is thinking, watch this video. Col. Macgregor says we have a senior military leadership built up over 30 years that, frankly, "most of us on any normal day would not follow even out of idle curiosity”. He basically proceeds to call them a bunch of pussies with no professional depth. It's a little over two hours and it's worth it, but if you don't have time, start at 1:33 and you'll get the meat of it. It starts about being about the war in Ukraine, a "war of denial and deceit" (note their appreciation of Russia and their calling out of the media), but it goes far beyond.
Vlahos and Macgregor call NATO the American Empire, with the European countries and UK merely American vassal states. They say we keep trying to resurrect the Russian Menace to hold this American Empire together, and in return, these countries like Poland or Lithuania try to use American power to achieve their geopolitical fantasies. The part about holding together the American Empire using a fake Russian Menace reminds me of Denis Rancourt's view of what's underlying current events. He thinks we (and by "we" I mean the cabal) are fighting Eurasia for global hegemony, hurting our people and our "allies" (vassal states) in a way that's suicidal for even the cabal.
Macgregor is explicitly comparing us to the UK as they increasingly overextended themselves, leading to their bankruptcy in 1941 or '42 and transition to a U.S. vassal state. He says our government appears not to realize how fragile our grip is, not only geopolitically, but in our financial markets, our lack of a productive economy, our failure to secure our borders, etc. I would add that the majority of our citizens are physically and mentally ill and our birth rate has collapsed, and we are only in the opening rounds of the shot damage.
Vlahos says that ever since Clinton, we've had an Imperial Court-centric ruling class, a "navel-gazing courtier class”.
Macgregor is highly aware that if you drive a hundred miles north or west or south of DC, you have sick, poor people lined up for hours at food banks and things are not good. But he says the ruling elites are completely disconnected from that. They have no idea what life is like outside the Imperial Court. And he says the difference in the current situation in the U.S. from the same situation of the fall of the UK is that the UK had America to march in and bail them out, while there will be no one to march in and bail out America.
Macgregor and Vlahos have consistently exempted Trump in their talk from their view of a disconnected, navel-gazing global elite destroying America. They have explicitly included every other president, starting with Clinton.
"They don't have a concept of the nation. They have a concept of a global ruling elite class.” They're now calling the global ruling class the Blue Global Elite. They aren't shying away from pointing at the Democrats. They're calling DC Versailles on the Potomac.
Vlahos just said our ruling class is in a state of psychosis. They've bought their own fantasies about the "evil Russian state". They've bought their own delusions about our continuing military power, when really our military has been overextended for decades and we don't have the people, the technological advantage, the industry, the economy or even the financial system to back it up anymore.
Macgregor and Vlahos are basically painting a picture of the American ruling class as Hitler in his bunker -- delusional, rabidly enforcing their fantasies with censorship and isolation in their bubble, heading us off a cliff. They're building up to the point where they say the military must say no to these nutcases.
Macgregor: "I don't know that there's an easy solution but something's going to happen in the near future. This is going to collapse; this narrative is going to fail.”
Vlahos just said, just after 1:22, that we're at a "hinge of fate", and we've reached the point where military leaders "have to say no" to the Imperial courtiers and their deranged fantasies.
Now Vlahos is talking about a "sclerosis of thinking" in the military leadership. He talks about a critical thinking course at the Naval War College where the exam requires no critical thinking, only regurgitation of approved answers. In other words, Vlahos and Col Macgregor are expressing doubt in the capability of this dumbed-down, neutered military leadership to rise to the occasion and deal with this existential crisis.
Vlahos just said that he feels culpability, because he taught for decades at the Naval War College that the duty of the military was to appease and accommodate civilian leadership in exchange for autonomy on the battlefield and sufficient funding to "maintain your lifestyle.” "That's not a healthy relationship when you're on the cusp of WW3.”
Macgregor makes the case for regime change in America. He discusses the theme of a "war of decision at home", a need to change the "courtiers" in the "court of the American Empire". He says we need to get "new blood" in the governing elites, because the elites are globalists, not serving the interests of American citizens or even the American economy.
Macgregor calls for revolution. Vlahos, the other man in this discussion (ex-military, ClA, State Dept), who teaches at an American War College, says it's time for American military leaders to say no to the people running the country. My first thought was they're setting up the visible military/SOC takeover of the government. I truly hope so.
All the above notes are from freenemo on GAB. Personally, my favorite part was the final few minutes of the interview; that part is worth listening to. Macgregor states "unless the current elites are replaced with a different elite, and that's all tied up with what happens next, and what happens when this narrative for the war with Ukraine collapses, that's part of it". Who knows how much of what they say is opinion and how much might be actual intel, but it sounds like a wholesale change is upon us.
YouTube link...
Thanks for the summary. Appreciate it.