Fundamentalists are left brain only..they take words with their literal meaning or how they have been mistranslated.
People with ears to hear and eyes to see use their third eye and their inner voice.
Right brain does not use or understand operates through art anything is where intuition telepathy inner guidance comes hear the inner voice
When Yeshua talked about the rich man not entering the kingdom of heaven he meant full of ego ..self importance dominance and all ego stuff.
Give up all your possessions and follow me does not mean get rid of them but they don't don't judge people by what they have..a bi house a big car is meaningless but people can use them as a crutch for their ego. So you need to read things differently.
Also go into your closet to pray...a quiet place in your from others..
The pineal gland your third eye is your connection to the divine..outside this world. You can call it your conscience...
In the gospel of Peter kept out of the bible along with 73 other books and gospels St Peter ...on whom the church was supposed to be built ..said Yeshua didn't die on the cross..he was only up there four hours and was taken down as had to be for Passover.
Ask yourself why this gospel and the gospel of Thomas..talking about if your i be single your body shall be full of light....your third eye ..the pineal gland ..on the popes staff and all over the Vatican and ancient artifacts.
You cannot talk to fundamentalists...they simply cannot hear you.
Fundamentalists are left brain only..they take words with their literal meaning or how they have been mistranslated.
People with ears to hear and eyes to see use their third eye and their inner voice.
Right brain does not use or understand operates through art anything is where intuition telepathy inner guidance comes hear the inner voice
When Yeshua talked about the rich man not entering the kingdom of heaven he meant full of ego ..self importance dominance and all ego stuff.
Give up all your possessions and follow me does not mean get rid of them but they don't don't judge people by what they have..a bi house a big car is meaningless but people can use them as a crutch for their ego. So you need to read things differently.
Also go into your closet to pray...a quiet place in your from others.. The pineal gland your third eye is your connection to the divine..outside this world. You can call it your conscience...
In the gospel of Peter kept out of the bible along with 73 other books and gospels St Peter ...on whom the church was supposed to be built ..said Yeshua didn't die on the cross..he was only up there four hours and was taken down as had to be for Passover.
Ask yourself why this gospel and the gospel of Thomas..talking about if your i be single your body shall be full of light....your third eye ..the pineal gland ..on the popes staff and all over the Vatican and ancient artifacts.
You cannot talk to fundamentalists...they simply cannot hear you.