This is one of those moments when 'NO' is the only answer possible even if it's a lie. The DS is watching Q and trying to figure out who he is as much as we are. For him to admit JR is alive not only limits the number of people who Q could be it also narrows the search for JR by the DS to those that Q could be.
First, we know Q uses disinformation as a weapon against the deep state. It's possible that could be the case here. If JFK Jr. is still alive and Q acknowledges such a powerful advantage, then evil can prepare accordingly. Bad strategic move for those fighting for good.
Second, others have pointed out in the past that JFK Jr. is no longer a Jr. since his father was killed. So when Q says 'no' to JFK Jr. still being alive, in the most technical sense he is not, because he's no longer a Jr. Therefore the answer is truthful while also misdirecting the deep state.
I hope he's still alive. Can I say with certainty that he is? No, I cannot. This has always been my struggle; balancing out what I wish/want/desire for our world with the fog of relearning what reality is or may become with my personal weakness when it comes to deciphering Q drops in general.
I will say this with certainty. I wholeheartedly believe in the following: NCSWIC & WWG1WGA.
Had he said "Yes" to that, it could have drawn too much attention to the whole movement. Too much, too soon. I don't know either way, but this would be one case where the truth best be not known, yet.
Q has posted disinfo in the past, I don't have access to any information that you don't so I am just speculating. If he is alive they don't want (((them))) knowing that.
This is one of those moments when 'NO' is the only answer possible even if it's a lie. The DS is watching Q and trying to figure out who he is as much as we are. For him to admit JR is alive not only limits the number of people who Q could be it also narrows the search for JR by the DS to those that Q could be.
Q also said a plane hit the Pentagon in response to an anon query when it was obvious that did not happen.
Two thoughts on this question.
First, we know Q uses disinformation as a weapon against the deep state. It's possible that could be the case here. If JFK Jr. is still alive and Q acknowledges such a powerful advantage, then evil can prepare accordingly. Bad strategic move for those fighting for good.
Second, others have pointed out in the past that JFK Jr. is no longer a Jr. since his father was killed. So when Q says 'no' to JFK Jr. still being alive, in the most technical sense he is not, because he's no longer a Jr. Therefore the answer is truthful while also misdirecting the deep state.
I hope he's still alive. Can I say with certainty that he is? No, I cannot. This has always been my struggle; balancing out what I wish/want/desire for our world with the fog of relearning what reality is or may become with my personal weakness when it comes to deciphering Q drops in general.
I will say this with certainty. I wholeheartedly believe in the following: NCSWIC & WWG1WGA.
Had he said "Yes" to that, it could have drawn too much attention to the whole movement. Too much, too soon. I don't know either way, but this would be one case where the truth best be not known, yet.
Well he certainly couldn't say "yes" if the answer was yes! I mean, really.
Ooooor he could’ve just skipped over it. Q didn’t answer every question asked by everyone.
Q has posted disinfo in the past, I don't have access to any information that you don't so I am just speculating. If he is alive they don't want (((them))) knowing that.
This could easily be fake but if so it's nicely done.
Your first image is 100% fake. Everything is identical except the faces.
But your other two images are the reasons why I believe they're still alive. :]