Oh ya? Were his uncle and father members of the cabal?
Your claim is purely conjecture based on what you assume he should know. I don’t even wholly subscribe to your beliefs about viruses, and I’ve spend a great deal of time looking into it.
Besides, it’s not an effective strategy for red pulling normies. It’s a bridge too far for most people, and would ruin the chances of reaching the majority of people if he put too much emphasis on that particular belief.
Still, I don’t see any evidence of him being deceptive about that subject, and, short of any evidence to the contrary, could easily be chocked up to ignorance.
This is easy to understand. It has been known at least since 1918 and the so called Spanish flu that germ theory..note ..theory..was scientifically proven to be totally wrong. It has been a scam that the cabal have used on people to depopulate maim and make trillions from ever since.
There is no way Robert Kennedy doesn't know the truth.
So you watched a documentary that convinced you. Are you positive that there aren’t any holes in that logic?
Besides that, you’ve made nothing but assertions, claiming that just because you believe something to be true, that automatically anyone else with acces to that same information has to believe it to be true.
You’ve based your argument here or very shaky logic, and I would encourage you to do better in the future.
It’s a problem that you don’t even grasp the issue at hand here. I’m not debating germ theory. I’m telling you that your basis for assuming RFK Jr. shares your beliefs on this subject is purely speculation.
Oh ya? Were his uncle and father members of the cabal?
Your claim is purely conjecture based on what you assume he should know. I don’t even wholly subscribe to your beliefs about viruses, and I’ve spend a great deal of time looking into it.
Besides, it’s not an effective strategy for red pulling normies. It’s a bridge too far for most people, and would ruin the chances of reaching the majority of people if he put too much emphasis on that particular belief.
Still, I don’t see any evidence of him being deceptive about that subject, and, short of any evidence to the contrary, could easily be chocked up to ignorance.
This is easy to understand. It has been known at least since 1918 and the so called Spanish flu that germ theory..note ..theory..was scientifically proven to be totally wrong. It has been a scam that the cabal have used on people to depopulate maim and make trillions from ever since.
There is no way Robert Kennedy doesn't know the truth.
So you watched a documentary that convinced you. Are you positive that there aren’t any holes in that logic?
Besides that, you’ve made nothing but assertions, claiming that just because you believe something to be true, that automatically anyone else with acces to that same information has to believe it to be true.
You’ve based your argument here or very shaky logic, and I would encourage you to do better in the future.
It would take too long and I really don't care about your opinion to bother to put you right.
I would encourage you to do some research
It’s a problem that you don’t even grasp the issue at hand here. I’m not debating germ theory. I’m telling you that your basis for assuming RFK Jr. shares your beliefs on this subject is purely speculation.