posted ago by TheGreatPumpkin ago by TheGreatPumpkin +31 / -0

Just my two cents. These atheists have ruined the minds of the populace by their institutes of higher learning. I believe the most dangerous thing we face as society as a whole, is the public educational system. By allowing power hungry principalities to influence the minds of our youth we have in essence given over our freedom to the enemy. Their arguments are always given in a matter of fact and very arrogant manner to which children see as empowering. Children by nature, want to be in control. They want to be able to tell their parents, “see I told you so!” These people always come off as spoiled and therefore they lead any youth that will listen to them, down a path of pride and contempt for any moral standard. The idea that, I can do whatever I want and the only consequences are those of men are what has led America down the path of self destruction. If God doesn't exist then I am free to murder all those who seek authority over me and I should be the ruler of my own world. Because without God there is no need for morality. Be careful what you let the minds of your children be exposed to. Satan is very cunning. The thought of a wealthy popular lifestyle is very attractive and all it takes is one signature to sell your soul to Baal! God Bless! TheGr8🎃