“ Howworn. Personnelmayweartheall-weathercoatwithorwithouttheliner.Theywillwearthecoatbuttoned, except for the neck closure, which personnel may wear open or closed (unless otherwise outlined by this pamphlet). Male and female coats are buttoned and belted from opposite directions. The scarf is authorized for wear with the all- weather coat. Personnel may wear the coat with the AGSU, AGSU dress variation, ASU, ASU dress variation, mess, and garrison culinary uniforms. The all-weather coat is authorized for wear with utility uniforms only in a garrison environment when personnel have not been issued organizational rain gear. When the grade insignia is removed from the coat, personnel may wear the coat with civilian clothing.
(1) Black all-weather coat. Officers wear nonsubdued pin-on grade insignia on the shoulder loops of this coat. NCOs wear shoulder marks on the shoulder loops. Enlisted personnel wear nonsubdued grade insignia on the collars. (2) Heritage green all-weather coat. All ranks wear nonsubdued pin-on grade insignia on the shoulder loops of the coat.”
I pointed to the wrong section. Will post and edit in a few.
Its on page 141.
20–23. Overcoat, ceremonial, blue
a. Type. The ceremonial blue overcoat (CBO) is an optional purchase item authorized for male or female general officers. Their aides-de-camp, their CSM, and their enlisted aides are authorized to wear the CBO with the white scarf. (1) Uponreassignment,thegeneralofficerandtheirCSMorsergeantmajorwillretaintheovercoat.TheCBOwill
be turned in upon expiration term of service.
(2) The aides-de-camp and the enlisted aides must turn their CBO into the central issuing facility upon reassign-
b. Description. The material is polyester, wool, or a similar type of woven fabric. A white scarf is also authorized. c. How worn. The CBO with the white scarf is worn on formal ceremonial occasions. The CBO is appropriate for
wear when cold weather conditions would reasonably preclude the wear of the ASU coat alone. It is recognized that certain ceremonies, which may take place during periods of cold weather, demand a level of formality and solemnity that cannot be achieved by wearing the standard black all-weather coat. Shoulder straps (shoulder boards with ranks) will be worn on all the CBO for general officers. The ASU coat will not be worn under the CBO. The CBO will have rear pleats and should be worn with the white scarf.
It doesn’t seem to specify one way or the other…
“ Howworn. Personnelmayweartheall-weathercoatwithorwithouttheliner.Theywillwearthecoatbuttoned, except for the neck closure, which personnel may wear open or closed (unless otherwise outlined by this pamphlet). Male and female coats are buttoned and belted from opposite directions. The scarf is authorized for wear with the all- weather coat. Personnel may wear the coat with the AGSU, AGSU dress variation, ASU, ASU dress variation, mess, and garrison culinary uniforms. The all-weather coat is authorized for wear with utility uniforms only in a garrison environment when personnel have not been issued organizational rain gear. When the grade insignia is removed from the coat, personnel may wear the coat with civilian clothing. (1) Black all-weather coat. Officers wear nonsubdued pin-on grade insignia on the shoulder loops of this coat. NCOs wear shoulder marks on the shoulder loops. Enlisted personnel wear nonsubdued grade insignia on the collars. (2) Heritage green all-weather coat. All ranks wear nonsubdued pin-on grade insignia on the shoulder loops of the coat.”
I pointed to the wrong section. Will post and edit in a few.
Its on page 141.
20–23. Overcoat, ceremonial, blue a. Type. The ceremonial blue overcoat (CBO) is an optional purchase item authorized for male or female general officers. Their aides-de-camp, their CSM, and their enlisted aides are authorized to wear the CBO with the white scarf. (1) Uponreassignment,thegeneralofficerandtheirCSMorsergeantmajorwillretaintheovercoat.TheCBOwill be turned in upon expiration term of service. (2) The aides-de-camp and the enlisted aides must turn their CBO into the central issuing facility upon reassign- ment. b. Description. The material is polyester, wool, or a similar type of woven fabric. A white scarf is also authorized. c. How worn. The CBO with the white scarf is worn on formal ceremonial occasions. The CBO is appropriate for wear when cold weather conditions would reasonably preclude the wear of the ASU coat alone. It is recognized that certain ceremonies, which may take place during periods of cold weather, demand a level of formality and solemnity that cannot be achieved by wearing the standard black all-weather coat. Shoulder straps (shoulder boards with ranks) will be worn on all the CBO for general officers. The ASU coat will not be worn under the CBO. The CBO will have rear pleats and should be worn with the white scarf.