It's a curious question. Why are some of us awake, and others not?
Some, but I don't think too many, attribute it to intelligence. However, the truth is that there are many, many highly intelligent people who are firmly stuck in the grip of the Matrix. Moreover, many people perpetrating evil are consciously intelligent. For some people their intelligence actually works against them.
My response to the "intelligence" thing is ... nope, that's not it. It's not intelligence. Maybe it's heart. Or awareness. Or something, but it's not being smart. Something special, but what?
A fren suggested "a Questioning attitude?" This got me thinking.
That's part of it. Or should be. I mean, many people DO arrive at truth nodules because they begin to question. But then, why do people question? What makes us question what is going on?
Also, some, once they arrive at a level of awakening, they stop or slow down the questioning. After all, it's not easy to consistently apply a questioning mindset while simultaneously settling into convictions and beliefs that are solid because of questions previously asked with satisfying answers found.
Question too much and one can easily become cynical, or a disbeliever. Or question too much, and one becomes an ineffective morass of constant doubt and distrust.
An ever refined balance between questioning and knowing, between questioning and affirming / believing, this seems to me to be what is required. But I don't think that's why we are here, or why we are awake and not others. After all, working on the balance between questioning and holding conviction is more a fruit or task that comes after waking up.
What about humility? Is humility the reason that some are awake, and others not? Does humility make us receptive to information that wakes us up?
I don't think so. Some of us are downright arrogant, some are kinda snooty, some are cocky and not exactly humble in the face of ... anything. etc. In fact, some of us, in our conviction, seem to think we are most assuredly "right" in our views, even to the point of conflict at times on the board.
No, to some extent, humility seems incidental.
Where my mind or intellect fails, I will often go to my gut. And this is what my gut tells me: it's spiritual.
There is a spiritual foundation behind each person, comprised of the merit in their lineage, or history, or other factors that make them a suitable object for being awakened. God's universe functions on the principle of interaction, of establishing reciprocal relationships again and again, connections that allow the flow of different forms of energy, whether in the form of grace, beauty, benevolence, piety, joy, material energy, etc.
Thus, as we live, we accumulate or dissipate, we grow or damage, a capacity to give and to receive, to offer and to respond.
The awakening we, humanity, are now experiencing, is in fact (in my view) the results or fruits of a constant spiritual influence that is steadily increasing its work, which is in fact the culmination of many, many, many untold years. The terminology you use to articulate or describe this reality may vary. Whether you understand it as the work of the Holy Spirit, the influence of spirit guides, good karma or the touch of the Creator or Christ in each heart, the point is, the Source of Love is reaching out and moving people to wake up.
Seeds are planted, long before we wake up. The seed may have been planted when you were young, when a teenager, or an adult. It may have been via a small bit of information, and subsequent other drops of information, that finally coalesced into an idea, a thought, about something, and then that thought bubbled forth into a question, or a series of questions, into an inspiration that led you to look in this forum, or that forum, or investigate some idea, or ask what is really going on. All the time, your growing heart and mind has been fed, with information, but also with spiritual energy.
But how and why would that spiritual force (whom I personally believe and understand as my Heavenly Father) reach out to some and not to others?
It's clearly not a religious faith thing, because there are many believers of all faiths, none the least Christians, who are still asleep, who do not really question, and who go along with the matrix narratives.
My conclusion, at this juncture, is this:
It is love. Simply, and purely love. So then, what kind of love?
A LOVE for truth.
Some folks love the truth, they yearn for it, they want it, it calls to them and their hearts respond, and drives them to seek out truth. What the truth is often appears differently to each one of us, but it is real, and it calls to us. If one loves, even unconsciously, truth, then I think that is the spark inside each heart that our Father the Creator is looking for and when he feels it in us, even if it is deeply buried, then he begins the process of responding to, and feeding, that love.
Love for truth. It burns in men's hearts, and in the hearts of women. It is deeply entwined with the love of freedom, because truth in its most purest form, frees. So, the love of freedom is virtually inconceivable without the love of truth.
I think people all around the world today are waking up because the seed of the Love of Truth has been planted in their hearts. And even if the form that Truth takes appears different to each one, it nonetheless calls to all of us, and on that foundation, we begin the journey, the process, that leads to awakening.
Q? Q is a gift to America, and the World, from God. The one driving the Great Awakening is also using the Q operation as His instrument, not the only one, but a powerful one nonetheless. Yet, we each have different and varying understandings of Q too, right? Why?
The form of Truth appears different to each of us in some way. Because each of us is unique, our relationship to the Truth is also unique. Each of us has a unique angle on the truth that no one else has. Thus our take on Q is also unique in some respect. We share universal aspects, understandings, but we als each have a unique angle as well.
And if we truly love the Truth, then we should also respect the unique nature of each person's relationship with the Truth. Not see each other's different views as a threat, or something to be denied, but something unique from which I may be able to learn.
Because each one is unique, our relationship with the truth, like our relationship with God, is likewise unique. Irreplaceable. We don't need to agree, but somehow, we need to respect, that relationship.
But also, as we draw closer to the truth, we will naturally draw closer and closer to each other. Because the Truth is one, despite the limitations of each of us to grasp and realize that truth. We're all on that journey, drawn forward, on some level, by our love of truth.
Most of us affirm that this is a spiritual war we are in, and as a spiritual war, it means the origins are spiritual too. The reason why some are awake and others are not? It's essentially a spiritual reason, and that reason is love. On whatever level it is, and we're all on different levels, but nonetheless I think the deciding factor is an inner love of, longing for, yearning for, the truth.
When I thought of this, another thought emerged into my mind, one that fills me with something I find it hard to articulate, something that moves me more and more and more. The thought I had is this:
If we could translate our love of truth into love for each other as well, what a powerful forum, community, movement, and world this would be.
There are many factors. It’s definitely an interesting question. I believe, there is some ingrained power in us that have been with us for thousands of years, that has overpowered the programming that has been generations in the making. This power I believe is something untapped, the human mind is an abyss that we don’t even fully comprehend. And for some, it has refused, and defeated the evil falsities. Perhaps this power is something in common with certain types of people. I myself am an introvert. I also don’t believe in “man made laws”, I believe in the universal law, which I’m still learning about. Nature is king. And that’s the trait in me that’s not “obedient”. I am also not materialistic. And when I am challenged for any particular way, I don’t seek a solution outside of me, instead, I seek it internally. I have been a dooming faggot for the first two years of the scamdemic. I fought it and pushed hard at helping my family and loved ones. The only thing that I haven’t lost in the process is myself and my “job”. My job is easy, because I put on a persona and it’s a necessary thing that has benefits for me being behind enemy lines. Now, I am slowly becoming at peace and have been spending time improving myself in every way, physically and mentally. What for, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s the family I wanted to create that I had planned on creating and was lost. Perhaps when the normies wake up and a manhunt is on, then I am fully capable for partaking in applying justice. One thing is for sure, whether it is in this generation, or the five generations from now, NCSWIC.