Can you provide a source where it is claimed it is a vax injury? Oprah seems to be leading her audience to believe its absolutely genetic which seems to be a very suttle but effective bald-face lie.
"What causes spasmodic dysphonia?
The exact cause of spasmodic dysphonia is not known. A central nervous system disorder is thought to cause most cases. It may happen along with other movement disorders. Researchers think it may be caused by a problem in the basal ganglia of the brain. This is the area that helps coordinate muscle movement. Spasmodic dysphonia may be inherited. It may start after a cold or the flu, injury to the voice box, a long period of voice use, or stress."
He was speaking about something different and offhandly mentioned that spasmodic-dysphonia, as you state is his condition ( I do not remember the condition, but yours sounds right), was listed in the possible side effects in the flu shot insert.
From what RFK Jr was stating, he did not know that it could be a possible side effect of a flu shot when he was diagnosed with it. He later found out about it as he was doing his work on flu shots and vaxx injuries. IIRC, he is now taking legal action.
It's a vaxx injury from a flu shot.
I don't recall the specific name of the condition.
Oprah: I know that you have a genetic neurological condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which is straining your speech. Does it hurt when you talk?
Can you provide a source where it is claimed it is a vax injury? Oprah seems to be leading her audience to believe its absolutely genetic which seems to be a very suttle but effective bald-face lie.
"What causes spasmodic dysphonia?
The exact cause of spasmodic dysphonia is not known. A central nervous system disorder is thought to cause most cases. It may happen along with other movement disorders. Researchers think it may be caused by a problem in the basal ganglia of the brain. This is the area that helps coordinate muscle movement. Spasmodic dysphonia may be inherited. It may start after a cold or the flu, injury to the voice box, a long period of voice use, or stress."
I heard it from RFK Jr himself.
He was speaking about something different and offhandly mentioned that spasmodic-dysphonia, as you state is his condition ( I do not remember the condition, but yours sounds right), was listed in the possible side effects in the flu shot insert.
From what RFK Jr was stating, he did not know that it could be a possible side effect of a flu shot when he was diagnosed with it. He later found out about it as he was doing his work on flu shots and vaxx injuries. IIRC, he is now taking legal action.
I did not save sources on this.