I kept digging and found a few more connections through the Q clock that I thought were valid. Used the time difference between RFK Jr's two posts to get #1421 which had a pen which led to 0:57 and 0:27 on the Q-clock, which I broke out into separate sections.
9:41 turns out to be an interesting timestamp (it shows up directly as [9:41] in some Q posts) and turns out to have significance for the Apple company.
I haven't seen any analysis on the "5-3" in #3704 before but it did seem to tie into the usage of "BIG" through the Q clock "BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG" and "BIG BIG BIG", and with DECLAS of the FISA stuff apparently on deck.
0:57 has some interesting connections in that it apparently references Oswald's father & his defection to Russia at age twenty. I wasn't able to dig up much on the dad though.
Threw in some Gematria on @tuckercarlson because RFK did add him to the revised Tweet.. Sorry for the Gematria. ;)
I still find the connection between #720, #1970, and #3931 to be the most compelling "meat" of this proof.
I would appreciate any feedback because I don't make many proofs so I'd like to learn what is good or bad and any advice on how to present the connections more effectively.
I kept digging and found a few more connections through the Q clock that I thought were valid. Used the time difference between RFK Jr's two posts to get #1421 which had a pen which led to 0:57 and 0:27 on the Q-clock, which I broke out into separate sections.
9:41 turns out to be an interesting timestamp (it shows up directly as [9:41] in some Q posts) and turns out to have significance for the Apple company.
I haven't seen any analysis on the "5-3" in #3704 before but it did seem to tie into the usage of "BIG" through the Q clock "BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG" and "BIG BIG BIG", and with DECLAS of the FISA stuff apparently on deck.
0:57 has some interesting connections in that it apparently references Oswald's father & his defection to Russia at age twenty. I wasn't able to dig up much on the dad though.
Threw in some Gematria on @tuckercarlson because RFK did add him to the revised Tweet.. Sorry for the Gematria. ;)
I still find the connection between #720, #1970, and #3931 to be the most compelling "meat" of this proof.
I would appreciate any feedback because I don't make many proofs so I'd like to learn what is good or bad and any advice on how to present the connections more effectively.
Prior version for reference: