Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind
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There’s a similar thing for the ears. When a right handed person has pain in the left ear, they don’t want to hear something. But pain in the right ear is from wanting to hear something. Brain is wired that way. Opposite for a left handed person. (Or, the narrative explanation of ear pain: it’s because of your genes, or a b12 deficiency, red meat, 5G, etc). Note: obv you can just get physical damage from prolonged loud noises in either ear.
Yes. I know our brain control the opposite part of the body. Right brain, left hand, since I am a right hand person, I am left brain (analytical). Good thing I am not going blind or ear pain.
I am actually far sighted. LOL
It’s saying something here about helping you cope with someone ‘fading out of sight’, as if to stop seeing them. But I’m not particularly knowledgable of eyes because I have pretty much perfect eyesight. You’ll have to read the whole articles and related articles to, ahem, ‘get the full picture’.
Thanks. I will do that.