I was just reading about some couple who own land in Maine, they discovered a massive Lithium deposit, alas Maine has a "no mining in Maine" policy. To protec from EnVirONmEnTal DaMaGe.
They dont even stay consistent with their own fantasies
Wait till you see how the fuckers steal land in maine. Then monetize it. Who own Delorme? Who maps are the legal standard, whose brother OWNS the registry of deeds. A private entity? Oh yeah, not just in maine. Dead surveyors, targeted veteran owned land, usually wait for the transfer of title. Interesting shit a dude is writing g a book on.
I was just reading about some couple who own land in Maine, they discovered a massive Lithium deposit, alas Maine has a "no mining in Maine" policy. To protec from EnVirONmEnTal DaMaGe.
They dont even stay consistent with their own fantasies
Wait till you see how the fuckers steal land in maine. Then monetize it. Who own Delorme? Who maps are the legal standard, whose brother OWNS the registry of deeds. A private entity? Oh yeah, not just in maine. Dead surveyors, targeted veteran owned land, usually wait for the transfer of title. Interesting shit a dude is writing g a book on.