I agree, skin color different on the other side of the “line”, whatever that is? Tan line? A little too fine a line, tan lines are more diffuse looking
Smh... You just don't get what I'm saying. I'm never insulted by the truth, I merely stated that you can get your point across without being insulting... Maybe I should've used the word denigrating rather than insulting...
Wear a long dress to hide or wear a short dress to be seen…seems logical to me. Masks are real, almost too real. You want to start a discussion by either white hat or black hat insert something to talk about.
I haven’t looked too far but it seems the WC photos of e in the green T shirt are from a f’n potato camera. Likely tele lens (understood), but they shouldn’t ALL have been. Some-bubby had to have more than a fisher-price play phone on them. Not too many zoomable pics. The one with kenny griffin is shopped for sure though - at least in some parts for some reason.... The one i linked below does not look like a necklace.
My mind is saying "does not compute". If that's a mask that is crazy.. looks just like him and all. But if that's not a necklace then the only logical explanation is a mask, unless fatline could be that distinct?
I'm open to all possibilities now.. who knows anything anymore in this day and age.
Agreed... however, the anon that pointed out that most masks go past the neckline and over the shoulders made a good argument against the mask theory... But I still think it's a mask... Cheers fren...
Masks go down past the collar and over the shoulder
People acting like they've never seen a behind-the-scenes documentary for movie makeup and prosthetics.
Maybe so, but that is definitely not a necklace... If you zoom in on the line, it definitely looks like a mask... Cheers fren...
It's a necklace, in a low resolution picture.
Let's agree to disagree fren... Cheers...
I agree, skin color different on the other side of the “line”, whatever that is? Tan line? A little too fine a line, tan lines are more diffuse looking
That's what I thought as well and the reason I posted it.. Cheers fren..
Not a mask. You are either a shill or you are getting sucked into the propaganda. All of our enemies want to confuse us and discredit us.
Think critically about everything.
If I were a shill, I'd have been banned from this site looooong ago... Save your insults and speak with some decency... Cheers anon...
I offered a second option. If not a shill, the propaganda got you. Shake it off. Hope you feel better.
I feel just fine thank you... But as I tell my 14 year old daughter, you can get your point across without being insulting... Cheers...
I've learned over the past few years not to give a shit if someone is insulted by the truth.
Smh... You just don't get what I'm saying. I'm never insulted by the truth, I merely stated that you can get your point across without being insulting... Maybe I should've used the word denigrating rather than insulting...
Peace to you as well...
Or he wore the low cut mask to be seen☘️
I thought high cut masks were more fashionable.😊😊😊
What is logical about any of this ??
That's illogical.
Wear a long dress to hide or wear a short dress to be seen…seems logical to me. Masks are real, almost too real. You want to start a discussion by either white hat or black hat insert something to talk about.
I agree... Cheers fren...
Kekekek... 🤣🤣🤣 Cheers fren...
I think that is a permanent scar from the collar amber herd made him wear😩
But seriously folks..... that scar ( or whatever it is) shows up in other non-world-cup photos. I havent seen anything super definitive yet though.
Here’s another from wc though, scroll down to where he is shaking hands with erdogan.
4th image in the story link - not at W-cup.
Funky wrinkle for sure.
That one does look like a necklace... Thank you... Cheers fren...
I haven’t looked too far but it seems the WC photos of e in the green T shirt are from a f’n potato camera. Likely tele lens (understood), but they shouldn’t ALL have been. Some-bubby had to have more than a fisher-price play phone on them. Not too many zoomable pics. The one with kenny griffin is shopped for sure though - at least in some parts for some reason.... The one i linked below does not look like a necklace.
When I looked at your link, I saw how the top of his neck in the back was shinny and that's why I said it looked like a necklace... Cheers fren...
My mind is saying "does not compute". If that's a mask that is crazy.. looks just like him and all. But if that's not a necklace then the only logical explanation is a mask, unless fatline could be that distinct?
I'm open to all possibilities now.. who knows anything anymore in this day and age.
Agreed... however, the anon that pointed out that most masks go past the neckline and over the shoulders made a good argument against the mask theory... But I still think it's a mask... Cheers fren...
Noted... Cheers anon...
Slap some goo on one of his AI bots for skin. Add a custom ask over. Elon bot!
He is actually coming out with bots. The bigger question is; will they be allowed on Twitter?
Elon Musk REVEALS Tesla Bot (full presentation)
Kekek... Interesting thought... Cheers fren
It is an obvious masks. Shills galore trying to call it a necklace.
That's what I think too... Cheers fren...
Downvoting by the bots further proves the point.
Down votes don't bug me kekekek... Cheers fren...