If you see left and/vs/or right ideology like this,
<-----[Extreme Left]-----[Left]-----[Center]-----[Right]-----[Extreme Right]----->
and can bend it into a loop to see it like this,
[Left] /// \\\ [Right]
--- ---
\\\ ///
[Extreme Left/Right]
then you might be able to consider how we've been purposefully misled to not see this,
[C e n t e r]
and It might also explain why there's so much confusion between left and right where only two aims are clear: the many extremes walking the wide path, and the few centered walking the narrow path.
The Great Awakening
I see it as a gradient with the far left being absolute enslavement of the individual, and the far right being absolute freedom of the individual.
That is the freedom spectrum which does not line up with the political ideology spectrum the way it is taught / pushed / commonly thought of.
The widely characterized version of the spectrum takes two parties from a 1930’s conflict, who were both totalitarians, and anchors them on each side. It doesn’t make any sense.
It makes a lot of sense though if you are trying to engineer society into a totalitarian state! People are just too dumb / indoctrinated to realize....
Yeah but the spectrum as pushed and popularly thought of is retarded garbage made up to confuse everyone. The "freedom spectrum" is also not exactly accurate to the original meaning, but is far far closer. The original left and right "wings" were those of pre-revolutionary French parliament. They were still a monarchy at this time, and the right wing wished to preserve the "natural order" of aristocracy, and the left wing wanted to tear down the whole society in the name of "progress." The left were adherents of "progressivism," another oft misunderstood word. The right felt that hierarchy was a naturally emergent phenomenon, from which the aristocracy emerges, and that the inequity it resulted in was an acceptable price for the overall functioning of the society. The left saw inequity as proof that the system was evil, and argued that hierarchy must be abolished to attain equality. The left won that conflict by murdering their opponents, and today Europe is a cesspool of socialist nonsense where the "aristocrats" are far fewer in number and FAR wealthier compared to the common man than even back then, lol. The real "right" is a belief in the natural order, that some people will win, and some will lose, and any attempt to forcibly equalize this will result in disaster. The real "left" is a belief that inequity is evidence of evil, and all force used to correct it is just. Oversimplified, the right believes in freedom at the cost of inequity, and the left believes in equity at the cost of serfdom. So, the freedom spectrum isn't that far off.