If you see left and/vs/or right ideology like this,
<-----[Extreme Left]-----[Left]-----[Center]-----[Right]-----[Extreme Right]----->
and can bend it into a loop to see it like this,
[Left] /// \\\ [Right]
--- ---
\\\ ///
[Extreme Left/Right]
then you might be able to consider how we've been purposefully misled to not see this,
[C e n t e r]
and It might also explain why there's so much confusion between left and right where only two aims are clear: the many extremes walking the wide path, and the few centered walking the narrow path.
The Great Awakening
Yes, I do. I follow Christ, which some would interpret as a leftist, as opposed to a strict adherence to Old Testament laws and hierarchy. I believe in the forgiveness of sins to the repentant, and judgement reserved for God But I also believe that total social acceptance of everyone and everything, immorality, blasphemy, anarchy, is wrong. I do think we should house and feed the hungry and poor, that we bring the Gospel to all sides of the spectrum because I do not know who is worthy of salvation and who is not. I think Christians should be modest in appearance and action, I think that abortion is wrong, I think sexual predators should be punished severely, that incest should not be tolerated, and that some behaviors should be enough to shun the person from the Body of Christ, but along with promiscuity and immorality, greed and avarice is equally sinful. I think politics should never be a replacement for social rules. And I also think that as long as a person has life left in them, they should be treated as a Creation of God and worthy of salvation through Christ. Where there is a separation of Church and State, this should apply to the areas where the State has control, I think if we are to be taxed, Christians pay the same as non Christians. If the taxes are to be spent for the public good, the public gets to decide where it goes, and that should be locally controlled. And I really wish all nations stop studying war, and beat their swords into plow shares. The Left and the Right change depending on the times. Now we have people sworn to the Right, who are anti war and anti huge corporative medical and pharmacuetical practices, who embrace healthy food and water, where 2 decades ago it was more something you would see on the Left.Taking care of the Earth is our responsibility, we were given stewardship over this earth, so when I see a right wing person bragging that they have the right to pour chemicals and solvents and poison their crops with Round Up, someone who takes stewardship seriously, should stop them. I will leave it at that, I despise politics, it pulls us away from the simple rules that are set out in the Bible, it is a distraction.