If you plan on going to the Inauguration, it looks like it will be a Vermont weather kind of day. The windchill is going to be around 14 degrees, which is not bitter at all if you dress for it. Here is a little advice . Layers- start with a top and bottom of long underwear, ladies can use leggings if they don't have bottoms. Flannel lined pants are great, carharts are windproof. for long hours of standing in the cold, vaseline or bag balm on your feet, mixed with a pinch of cayenne, then cotton socks then wool socks, winter boots, you have to forget about fashion when it is cold. I would not want to be fancy pants like those "dignitaries" that will be attending, I feel bad for them, better to be a peasant when the weather is bad. On top, long john top, covered by a lighter top, covered by a sweater, then your warmest winter coat or jacket. I went to an anti war march before the Iraq war started, the cops were shivering and keeping in there heated cruisers, it was below 20 degrees and I was sweating under all those layers, the place will be locked down, so there are few places to get a hot cup of something. You need gloves, thermal. The way they are forecasting it is worse than it will be, I hope. It's all in the layers that you wear. My goodness, on zero degree days my birdfeeder is busy, if those tiny chickadees do not freeze, no one has to. Can't wait, I wish I could go, but standing for hours would harm me more than a 14 degree breeze. God Bless.
yeah, no. I don't want him owning everything, pardon me, but, I still do not trust him. Time will tell, of course, but it's my opinion . I don't even use it, or have it, I do have a life beyond screen time. The tower of Babel is all that comes to mind. The fact that Musk is a godless man really disturbs me. I am weary of mankinds repetition of vanity.
The prayer that has seen me through is to ask for strength, not help. We were created by God to survive. My goodness, how did we get here through the ages of our ancestors? We are alive this very moment because God's chain of creation made sure we were linked strongly to him. Our emotions and the devil will tell us we are near defeat, this is the time we pray for strength to see us through, to continue to keep on keepin on to do his work and to praise his name. Somehow, we are here, after our forefathers faced war, invasion, poverty, natural disasters, famine and heartbreak, and survived long enough to make you. Almighty God, let all who feel weak right now know your power and strength , in the name of Jesus Christ
Sharing is voluntary, we are asked to share in the Bible. Stealing is not sharing, which is condemned in the Bible, as the law. Communism takes away from the act we are asked to perform, we do enrich our souls and we do receive blessings of the spirit when we perform true charity. When the government takes it upon itself to mandate "sharing", it becomes an unholy thing, and you receive no blessings.
Non compliant, while at the same time, taking excellent care of myself, no slacking or giving in to temptations, no matter how good those frankenfoods look on tv, no matter how cheap the mass produced groceries get. They will throw everything at us, the first line of defense is your mind, the second is your mouth, and the third is your stomach. They mass produce God given food, remove all the nutrients, brain fog starts young, appetite is perverted. What did they give the slaves to eat in the Caribbean? Sugar cane to suck on. There is more to making your body a temple for the Holy Spirit than non compliance with public health orders. The FDA is a seat of corporate big Ag and big Pharm. Trump won, not a time to sit back and return to bad habits. Stay pure in body and mind.
everything a person needs to know about health and food has been on the internet for a long time now,how to do it on a budget is also available. but folks would rather use their internet to watch videos of skateboarding squirrels. You can lead a horse to water.....................the food industry is seductive, you cannot watch a football game without the chain food restaurant bombarding you with elaborate pictures of food, and followed by scenic ads for big pharm. Truth is a choice, just like grocery shopping. They want immediate results, and changing the foods you eat and taking supplements takes longer to benefit from, but it happens! The addictions are subtle, but just as dangerous as any addiction, and they keep making pills to get rid of the symptoms of poor lifestyle habits. Yes, supplements cost money your "healthcare" will not cover, so does cancer and diabetes and heart disease. I have a friend who would rather take steroids for her Chrons disease instead of cutting out the gluten, wine, chocolate and non organic foods. And yes, the organic foods that I buy are trustworthy, I can buy a bushel of most veggies in the fall, from farmers I know and trust, maybe they cost a bit more, yet the same people around here will spend that money on cases of Light beer, soda, and frozen pizza. The info is out there, it is not on some hidden sites.
I urge anyone who has been vaxed, or continues to have symptoms from a flu or "cold", to look up Mast Cell Reactive Syndrome. It is, in a nutshell, what happens to our natural immune system when it is continuously challenged in fighting off the results of the covid vaccines, or covid itself. I do not want to debate whether or not covid is "real", no matter what it is, your immune system will react to protect you. Problem is, like any trauma victim, a syndrome develops which makes the immune system crazy, and it starts attacking things randomly. The symptoms appear to be like allergies, or IBS, heartburn etc, but it is not an allergy. Mast cells line our respiratory organs, our GI tract, and our skin, so symptoms will appear to be sinusitis, bronchitis, rashes, hives, naseau, IBS, etc. It can be managed, and managing it is simple enough but requires avoiding many things that you think will help you (like naturally fermented foods, citrus, vinegars, etc). I was diagnosed with it 2 years ago after a crisis that sent me to the ER. Now, after following the diet recommendations, and taking supplements, and two over the counter meds, I am so much better, so much better, brain fog is gone, inflammation issues gone, it took its toll, so my recovery involves taking supplements, probably for life. It was hard to change my diet, foods that gave me an appetite and I enjoyed for most of my life, which were healthy, had to be deleted, some introduced slowly to watch for triggers. I have to take histamine blocking enzymes if I want to eat a little spaghetti sauce, for instance. Gluten is poison to me. The short name for it is MCAS. Look it up.Like many people, I lived my life not believing in allergies, I thought exposure would make my immune system beef up. I did damage to myself that way. My body has been fighting Lyme disease for decades, which is how I developed the syndrome, my immune system just broke down. I would not bother with an allergist, I repeat, these are not allergies!!!! High histamine foods release the MAST cells, and they explode with toxins to fight the threat. Avoiding high histamine foods are a start, all the supplements you would take for health, Vitamin D, Quercitin, etc the whole list, most of you already know, go on a low histamine diet, use air purifiers in your homes to fight molds, keep toxic chemicals off of your skin ladies, and hair dyes etc, chemical senstivities are real, not hypochondriacal, it can all be broken down to mast cell reactions.
Because, I found it interesting that the libs are saying that they don't know what is going on, because no cenrsorship? Because the comments following the post were all commenting on how you cannot trust Obama, (democrats and libs are stating this), I thought it was indicative of the tides turning, turning slowly, but turning none the less. I know who Krassenstein is, and I do read liberal media so I know what's up with them. What makes a good movie? Good actors. I watch the whole show, not just some episodes.
A fine snow, very small flakes have been coming down steady for a couple of days, northwind steady too,it is a good old fashioned January up here near Quebec, 6 degrees, yesterday it was 2. Those of us who know winter, know those finer snows add up, and don't stop. I cannot imagine my world bursting into flames like it is in California. In Canada, in the BC province, they get fires every summer. If you get caught throwing a cigarette butt out the car window the fines are in the thousands.It doesn't take much, wind and flame, and when it gets hot enough, that fire finds the roots of the trees and follows along the root lines. I like to think that because I live rurally, houses spare, population small, I am safe from this sort of terrorism. We have crime and drug addiction too, since fentanyl and meth started flowing in. But not anywhere near the scale other places and cities have it, the cold seems to keep the riff raff out, and the climate is not attractive to the cartel thugs from south of the border. North of the border we have people sneaking in regularly, but reports are that there is always a car waiting for them, and they head to points south. I'll take my single digits and lovely snow over the illegal criminals swarming in and staying. As they say, "if you can't find enjoyment in the winter weather, you will still get the same amount of snow, whether you enjoy it or not". The loggers prefer to cut wood in the coldest of weather, the woods are clear, the trees cut like butter when they are frozen. The barn is warm enough and the goats have their shaggy winter coats, chickens are fine and full of grain. I sure hope everyone is prepped for the next 6 months or so, spiritually and practically. I expect more "natural" disasters are on the play list, God will help you get through, but he gave us brains and reasoning for a purpose, to survive and to help others.
I almost killed myself back when I was very young. I had a small apartment on Long Island in Long Beach, and we had a cold snap so I had this small kerosene heater, it was not up to code, and lit it in the living room. I was priding myself on my ability to be self reliant, the cats were getting sluggish and I noticed how all of a sudden I was drowsy, which never happened when I was 23, thank god an angel whispered in my ear, I remembered hearing about carbon monoxide just in time, and turned it off and opened my door to the outside! My woodstove is a monster and is in the basement, I have a half door on the basement steps and small vents my son put in on the floor in the rooms, it works well enough, and when it's in the single digits I have a plug in radiator for the bathroom and another northwest facing bedroom. I go out a few times a day with my dogs when it's this cold, they do their business, then I am inside again.
Please make sure the gas heaters are vented, carbon monoxide builds up with no symptom except feeling real sleepy, and by that time, you may decide to take a nap, DON"T. Make sure the vents do not ice up. Keep your faucets dripping and flush regularly. If the roads are icy, even Vermonters can't drive on that! 4 wheel drive or snow tires do not work on glare ice.Kitty litter, sand, ashes all help with an icy path. Dress in layers and wear a knitted hat, amazing how a toque keeps the cold from getting to you. Don't have long underwear? Panyhose under slacks will work. It's 2 degrees here at my house, but toasty indoors because of the wood stove in the basement. Keep the gas tank topped off in case you get real chilly you can go to the car and blast the heat to warm up a bit. Do shut off all rooms that don't need the heat but please be careful with the carbon monoxide.
And grows so rapidly, in one season- Many products can be made from hemp, including:
Paper: Hemp was used to make paper as early as the Western Han dynasty, 2,000 years ago.
Building materials: Hemp can be used to make fiber reinforced plastic, hempcrete, insulation, plaster, and ropes. Food: Hemp can be used to make hemp juice, hemp milk, and hemp protein. Fuel: Hemp oil can be used to make biodiesel and alcohol fuel. Animal bedding: Hemp hurds can be used for animal bedding. Jewelry: Hemp can be used to make jewelry. Medicine: CBG oil and medical cannabis can be made from hemp. Water and soil purification: Hemp can be used for water and soil purification. Weed control: Hemp can be used for weed control.
I really hope that Cannabis becomes a legal herb and plant on the Federal level. Hemp is a remarkable source of textile material, Cannabis as a medical and relaxant has so many benefits, while alcohol has lost it's purpose. It was useful when drinking random water could kill you, so fermenting for alcohol made drinking safe, when our life expectancy maxed out at 40. I will be 75 in June, God willing, I use it daily, it keeps me moving, I have end stage Lyme, and the results of that is severe arthritis in all my moving parts, cannabis keeps it moving, without it the stiffness is disabling. It also helps my focus, I have had ADHD all my life, before they knew what it was, the cannabis keeps me focused. In 2014 I was put on Tramadol for pain, because of Cannabis, I have not had to raise the dose, and take the minimum. I am not saying to ban alcohol, that will never happen, but I encourage anyone who is not living in a legal state to get the truth out about this natural substance and to encourage the new administration to legalize it on a federal level. Thank You. I live in a legal state,
Before the flooding of people through the border, several years before, there was estimated 2 million people came here legally as visitors and just never left. Every passport that is stamped when someone visits, should have a gps embedded on the stamp, you are allowed up to 60 days to stay as a tourist, if you get through, no one checks if you leave. When or if you do go back, there is no punishment, but you do lose your passport or right to return again.
Many of these people come from countries that sell their own childten into pornography. Read about "sexual tourism" it still goes on, western pedos and freaks know what countries to travel to, businessmen, "respectable citizens", investigations are limited because of other countries, but I hope someone is playing the cards right and are interrogating with the same treatment the USA has done with terrorists captured. A special GITMO just for them.
Call me a puritan, but it should be banned. The so called amateur porn is prime trafficking material. No one knows the conditions those people are under, or the age of the performers. Gangs of illegals force their women into it, abusers rape and record. the so called proffessionals mostly have abuse and horrible things that happened to them as kids, so their boundaries are all messed up. A 12 year old boy sneaking a Playboy magazine into his room is not the same as a 10 year old watching something they do not understand completely, and then it sticks in his head of how sex between two people is really how it is supposed to happen. The porn industry is a blight.
As a Vermonter, I am amused. Winter and it's weather does not stop us, if the school buses can do the backroads to pick up all the kiddos, in -10 degrees and a foot of snow on the ground, any area can follow. There is not much anyone can do about ice, except stay off f it, 4 wheel drive does nothing on ice. So you sand, you sand a lot, mix it with salt, the trucks are out before it freezes.Our local forecasters have jumped on the media wagon these past few years though. Storm warnings for 6 inches are a joke up here, it isn't a storm, it's just snowing. I understand that southerners are not used to it, but it is hardly the end of the world. If it's glare ice, do not drive, period. If it's snow, give yourself time to brake, go slow, keep your tires straight, dont jerk the wheel you will spin. Do not dress for the office, wear a hat and sensible boots, wear pants if you are a lady who wears dresses, long underwear helps, you can bring your dress clothing with you and change at work. People die of exposure in their cars because they are not dressed for the weather and get stuck. Keep those emergency blankets with you, carry a thermos of hot beverages. Be prepared.
The arrests made for drug pushings, shootings, drug related murders are not from around here, all from New Haven Conn. I do not know their status, but their last names are latin, 90% of the time. And the problem was unkown 20 years ago. I would say 90% of the crimes committed are drug related now.
The libs and commies hate him though, these were just employees who got the memo for a photo shoot. He did not do what the libs wanted, slow walked all the charges, so, maybe, just maybe, there are clandestine operations? As usual, we may never know