Twitter Files Part 8 Now Dropping
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I can understand that. To me they get the choice though. This choice gives them a chance to turn around. It is the same as those alcoholics who 1st needs to acknowledge they are addicted. See some alcoholics can repent (turn around) when others tell them to-yet one has to see it for themselves to want help.
This will give them a choice and it removes their ammunition they use against us. They can not call us conspiracy theorists no more. We can not keep the peace no lord either.
We need this to happen. No all will repent. What it will do is drive them into a deeper state. They will start attacking more, they will lose their sense of reality at a deeper state. Just as a alcoholic does. They are a junkie now and they need to get their fix. Their fix requires them to be an abusive tyrant so to speak.
They are given a choice to repent and apologize for their actions that was in a way forced onto them. From this point on-it is their own choice. The age of fascists reborn. If they do not chose to repent-they chose to be more abusive and they love abusing other now.
Exciting for sure. It has to be this way. We can not keep the peace with their behavior within our families any longer. Nor can we allow it by the media or teachers.
They are no longer ignorant and no longer have the benefit of the doubt.