Twitter Files Part 8 Now Dropping
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Thank you for the threadreader feed. Much easier to digest!
I would love to hear some discussion on this. I see two contrasting realities.
Military is the only way.
The Military is in on all of it.
Many of us have believed that military is the only way. The main reason I have felt this way is because I've know the Intelligence Community, writ large, is the heart of corruption that's been running all government for a very long time. Probably at least since they killed JFK and probably before then, as that is likely why JFK wanted to destroy them. I have just assumed that the only entity large enough to come in and save the day is the military.
Now, if the military is in on it, that poses a huge issue. Before anyone says they just ran a psy-op to catch them all or something, just remember that their psy-op would include all of the trillions spent on global wars, vaccine mandates (Covid is not the first, they've been injecting soldiers with every vaccine known to man for decades), the billions (trillions?) in military gear and hardware that has been left behind or laundered to the highest bidder for decades. The military has "lost" or can't account for trillions of dollars in their budget.
So which military will win this war? The white hat military or the black hat military? Could there be an epic battle between the two? How is this war between military factions diffused?
The final backstop has always been We The People. Saying that is FAR easier than BEING that. I don't think most people could ever be the people that We The People would need them to be. Perhaps this is what the precipice is all about, but we would have to be in an extreme situation for the millions needed to stand up and win against the military. Most people, if they bother to read the twitter files at all, go back to their comforts with the click of a button.
So how do any of you see the military playing a role going forward? IF my predicate is correct, that there are two military factions. Maybe I am wrong about that. Tell me I am wrong and why if you feel that way. I sincerely want to know.
I have been saying we are on our own for a long time. In my opinion, the military leadership is in on all of it. Kay Griggs interview exposing the Jesuits in the military is still available on Bitchute.
I believe most of the men and women who serve in the military do so with good intentions, but I also think that in order to move to senior ranks, one has to be a Jesuit who has gone through initiation.
One thing for certain, in my mind at least, is that corruption has infiltrated the top positions of every major organization. Politics, business, tech, media, municipal, courts, churches, you name it. The bigger the organization, and the more influence, the more corruption.
My working hypothesis is that all leaders at these organizations are selected, not elected, and not there due to merit. They are there because they are either corrupt or corrupted along the way.
I believe the intelligence agencies look for corrupt people, or discover their skeletons, or create skeletons, so that they are blackmailed and controlled.
Once they are controlled they are placed in positions of power and then blackmailed (the IC or whoever works with the IC does it) to do what 5he IC bids them to do. If they don't, their lives are either destroyed, the kids or families lives are destroyed, or they are simply offed like the mob.
I haven't found a better explanation for what's going on, so I'm working with that for now.
I am open to ideas though.
Your assessment is what I had come to realize a while back (before I joined GAW).
If you haven't seen it, I recommend Millie Weaver's documentary "Shadowgate". It might supplement your hypothesis.