Twitter Files Part 8 Now Dropping
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I have been saying we are on our own for a long time. In my opinion, the military leadership is in on all of it. Kay Griggs interview exposing the Jesuits in the military is still available on Bitchute.
I believe most of the men and women who serve in the military do so with good intentions, but I also think that in order to move to senior ranks, one has to be a Jesuit who has gone through initiation.
One thing for certain, in my mind at least, is that corruption has infiltrated the top positions of every major organization. Politics, business, tech, media, municipal, courts, churches, you name it. The bigger the organization, and the more influence, the more corruption.
My working hypothesis is that all leaders at these organizations are selected, not elected, and not there due to merit. They are there because they are either corrupt or corrupted along the way.
I believe the intelligence agencies look for corrupt people, or discover their skeletons, or create skeletons, so that they are blackmailed and controlled.
Once they are controlled they are placed in positions of power and then blackmailed (the IC or whoever works with the IC does it) to do what 5he IC bids them to do. If they don't, their lives are either destroyed, the kids or families lives are destroyed, or they are simply offed like the mob.
I haven't found a better explanation for what's going on, so I'm working with that for now.
I am open to ideas though.
Your assessment is what I had come to realize a while back (before I joined GAW).
If you haven't seen it, I recommend Millie Weaver's documentary "Shadowgate". It might supplement your hypothesis.
Thanks u/UglyTruths 👈🏻
I watched shadowgate some time ago. I even archived it, assuming it would be banned and deleted. Maybe it's time to dust it off and watch again. With all that has happened lately I bet it is even more pertinent now.
Speaking of movies....
When is "Sound of Freedom" coming out? I can't wait to see it!
Spot on Re: Corruption at top levels of everything. I have said decades ago everything big is corrupt or inefficient. To my horror its true. Before the pandemic someone told me Trump is a black hat, and I told them that it was over already. I'm glad someone has pointed out some of the good guys in the military.
Dumping equipment in Afghanistan and now Ukraine leads me to believe that the Blackhat's are worried about at least some of the military...
Lots of battle hardened vets around, and bikers, and rednecks, and and and will fight for freedom. Of coarse the bad people have probably imported some people across the border.