So I just came across this and had to see for myself. I went right to the "about us" to look for the satire confirmation ; I did not see that. The more time I spent on here, there more horrified I became.
I would hazard to say this is 100% real.
If I'm reading it right, in the "end time" write ups, they basically do assisted suicide so you can then "donate" yourself.
Evidently a conceptual art project:
1.1 Our role
The Human Meat Project merely provides conceptual artwork. The project and website ( contains pages featuring information on the art project, participants’/donators’ information, terms and conditions, consent rights and privacy rights, but the existence of these pages on the Website or Paper form does not and is not intended to be act in a real life nor deliberately/attempting to break the UN and any legal constitution law existing worldwide. Human Meat Project is a conceptual art project to give an understanding of the importance of accepting any services’ policy and agreements.