How much time do you spend following, researching, talking and thinking of the great awakening, Q and Trump?
Then consider how much time you spend with God Almighty, researching, thinking, talking and praising Him.
Asking myself this, helped me realize where my loyalties and worship truly was. I was textbook example of what His word mentions. Those who confess with their lips but their hearts are far removed from Him.
We don't realize how we put so much time into anything and everything, compared to our time dedicated to Him.
I am 100% convinced all of this is designed to distract us from the Truth. So many give praise to man or their hope is in man, as it relates to this plan that so many are following. So much thought and research goes into discovering the mysteries/hidden meanings in man's plan.
Just imagine if that energy and intellect was working toward God's plan and His mysteries in His Word. So many are in the dark and yet they can't even recognize it. They've deceived themselves by following the false light.
If this message hits a nerve, then it's probably you that needs to hear it. Especially if you call yourself a follower of Christ.
Let's not forgot gratitude. He loves to hear how grateful we are for all the blessings he has bestowed upon us. If he hears it he will pore out even more blessings
One of my favorite quotes is:
What if you woke up TODAY with only the things you thanked God for YESTERDAY?
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