posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +27 / -0


Passive-aggressive cookbook salesmen from Fox News mingled with everyone who recently lost their job at CNN (Brian Stelter and Chris Wallace!) in a belated attempt to assure themselves that they’re still relevant.

The ultimate problem for them: real journalism has decamped from broadcast TV to streaming shows on smaller outlets in 2022 — just as the most important breaking stories now get published on Twitter and Substack long before they appear (if ever) on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSDNC, Fox, and the rest of the corporate media.

The Twitter Files are proof of that.

So I’m popping the cork of my champagne bottle to celebrate the end of 2022 — and I’m bathing my feet in the tears of the fake news industrial complex.

Lots of salt. Quite soothing.