Not Big Brother, but close: a surveillance expert explains some of the ways we're all being watched, all the time
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I wish I knew how safe Wyze camera networks are.. we've been using them for years.
There is some chinaman watching you walk around your house nekkid. 100%.
The cameras use AWS S3 datacenters in CHINA to stream and upload all clips and livestreams, not the US based S3 datacenters. Wyze claims thats how they can make the cameras so cheap.
So... ditch the wyze?
Up to you. Always a risk associated with things versus benefits. Is the benefit of being alerted about your house and security worth having less privacy? If you ever got frustrated at your camera stream not working reliable it's because it comes from China datasheet and the connection is shoddy.
On top of that
Wyze had a data leak occurred when the information of over 2.4 million customers was exposed. The cause? When switching information over to a different database, a Wyze employee accidentally removed certain security protocols that were in place. So wyze isn't made up of the smartest folks.
Again, every company has data breaches eventually, so the risk versus reward for you personally.
I use em for perimeter monitoring. I think that is worth it for the price.
That should be a closed system.
Cameras are a joke, they are for people you know, or if someone is caught in the act. Very few crimes solved by cameras, but lots of watching employees etc..