Donbass Devushka
??? "Black transplantologists" arrived near Artemovsk, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering lossesIn the LPR, they reported the appearance of "black transplantologists" near Artemovsk, they are engaged in the removal of organs from killed or mor...
The fact that they do live organ harvesting should sicken everyone. -
The fact that they torture children before drinking their blood (for adrenochrome... monsters inc anyone?) should terrify everyone. These are literal monsters.
Why do you think halal meat tastes different?
It's "their fountain of youth"
Ever since hearing about adrenochrome I have wondered if the FEAR caused in their victims somehow also transmits to the recipient of their blood? It would go a long way in explaining some of their actions.
Act 15:20 but that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollution of idols, and fornication, and fr things strangled, and from blood.
Nonsense. Livestock does not get tortured before halal slaughter.
Like all of your ancestors have done for millenias?
Virtually over in seconds. That's torture?
Halal is Islamic and refers to the food that they are permitted to eat. If you are 'of the book' meaning jewish, christian or islamic then they can eat the food you cook so long as it is permitted by Islam.
Kosher is the the kashrut regulation that define if a food is kosher or not. That is jewish.
Hypothetically there might be some Talmudic or kabbalistic rule that requires some type of torture but I have not studied either of these nor do I want to.
Correct. The opposite of Halal is Haram (forbidden).
There is nothing about Halal meat "tasting different". That is bullshit.
The faster the blood drains from the animal the faster it dies. Hanging an animal is generally done to get the blood to drain quickly.
It is not torture, the animal becomes passive in that position, little struggle, the death is silent and quick. It's hung upside down for a proper draining of the blood. It's over in a matter of minutes. It is more humane than, say, hunting for your food, unless you are a terrific shot and can do a kill shot immediately. There is no way to eat meat without killing.
Pretty sure this is how you are supposed to slaughter and consume animals.
Deuteronomy 12:16
Source: your butt.