AZ HEADS UP BOOOOOMM!!!19 INCH IMAGE ON 20 INCH witness just TORPEDOES recorder testimony!!! Holy Shit
Get ready folks its about to get crazy
Lawyer - Is there any way a 19 inch ballot can be printed from a 20 in image?
Election system expert - No. There are only 2 ways a 19 inch image can happen. One is by changing the printer settings, the other is for the operating system to change it. But there would have to be a 19 inch ballot definition, which resides on the laptop connected to the printer (the print spooler).
Just said the entire facility was insecure.
Someone from the outside, with access to the software coughDominioncough could simply change the settings remotely, and thereby cause chaos at the precinct.
Funny how it was ONLY the strong Republican precincts where this happened, huh?