AZ HEADS UP BOOOOOMM!!!19 INCH IMAGE ON 20 INCH witness just TORPEDOES recorder testimony!!! Holy Shit
Get ready folks its about to get crazy
Were the 19” ballots designed to: A) throughout Lake votes in R districts B) count Lake votes for Hobbs C) both A snd B
Fraud always follows the same basic MO. Shave down the margin, delay, and stuff in phony ballots. The 19" ballots were meant to be rejected by the tabulators thus shaving down the margin.
Dont forget MANUAL ADJUDICATION. (change vote by machine)
One thing that prompts MANUEL ADJUDICATION is a bleed thru from the other side. For example, if one were to fill out a ballot with a Sharpie/marker it would bleed thru to the other side. When the scanner notices a mark where there is not supposed to be, caused by the bleed thru, it does not accept it and sends it to adjudication. This is thru the scanner/computer which sends it to an actual human that is then able to "correct" the error. Which then they can change in their favor Fun fact: when I voted in the 2020 election the ONLY option that was given at my location were Sharpie's. It wasn't until after the Election that I realized what they did