Deplorable_in_PA 17 points ago +17 / -0

Makes perfect sense. I bet a lot of the Cackles rally attendees were paid activists and shills. That's how they could get that many people at a rally to generate "excitement" for Cackles.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

I moved out of state for a job and only get to see my folks twice a year, if that. It saddens and sickens me to see so many people throw away their family relationships just to hate a on man they never met, don't even know, and could probably completely ignore if they so chose.

Deplorable_in_PA 7 points ago +7 / -0

You ain't too far off from the truth. Hillary was literally conducing seances in the white house when Bill was president. I could easily see any of them undergoing some type of "ritual" for money and power - the idea of a Faustian bargain is as old as time itself.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

This exactly. I doubt Kamallah Cackles, Gavin Gruesome, or Fraud Shapiro are going to want to step up and run in place of Cadaver Joe - it would be political suicide. The dems haven't replaced Joe because they don't have anyone else to run who would do any better against Trump.

Deplorable_in_PA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great take! It jibes with what I am seeing from the left lately. They are operating from a position of panic and weakness, not strength and confidence. I could easily see them being desperate enough at this point to try an assassination attempt.

Author misses this regarding ballot stuffing...even a lot of solid blue states are seeing huge swings for Trump. Cadaver Joe can't hold onto his base, blacks in particular. They may even have to stuff ballots to hold onto states like CA, NY, and NJ. Let alone large swing states like PA. And with the map as it stands today Cadaver Joe would have to "hat trick" the entire rust belt (PA, MI, and WI) to win. DNC big money donors are jumping ship or threatening to unless Joe gets dumped - making the scarcity of resources that much worse.

My guess? The dems either pull some other stupid stunt like COVID 2.0 or else just stuff ballots like crazy and try to ride out the ensuing backlash. If that fails? Well, remember all those military age males crossing the border? But then again that comes with its own set of problems to say the least.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll let others argue over earlobes, chins, etc...but Yearick makes way more sense as a shooter than Crooks. Yearick was a leftist activist for hire, heavily involved with BLM and Antifa, even was in Ukraine to fight. I seriously doubt all the money men behind this op would have trusted some dweeby kid like Crooks to have made the shot.

Deplorable_in_PA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dunno is it's really this Yearick guy or not...but I sure as hell don't believe it's Crooks. I don't believe some dweeby 20 y.o. kid who looked like he was into Dungeons and Dragons somehow managed to slip past SS and local LEA all on his own, climb up a roof, and start shooting.

Deplorable_in_PA 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meh. Not feeling Vance. I don't see what he really brings to the ticket. He's from Ohio, a state Trump is already likely to win. Maybe Trump thinks Vance will be loyal to MAGA and him?

Deplorable_in_PA 3 points ago +3 / -0

The names I've seen floated so far weren't what I would consider great options. Who would you think to be a "better option" to Vance?

Deplorable_in_PA 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yeah, he said that. And then he later admitted he was wrong about Trump. Trump is pragmatic enough to put that stuff aside and choose the best VP for MAGA. That's what leadership is about.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +2 / -1

Meh, not buying it. All they would have to do is lock Joe in a room and threaten to withhold food or care until he signs whatever doc is put in front of him. Cadaver Joe knows full well he's not in charge and will do as he's told. My guess is the DNC is a in a state of civil war since they simply didn't have a Plan B for Cadaver Joe.

Deplorable_in_PA 11 points ago +11 / -0

From another Trump post on TS....

"We already know who you are. DON'T DO IT!"

Sounds a lot like a shot across the bow to me.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah, this sounds about right. It's probably why they haven't replaced Cadaver Joe. They just don't have a decent candidate. I also have a tough time seeing Herr Gretchen or Shapiro wanting to risk their own political career in a last minute push for president.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mooch? Why? I've heard this for a while but I just don't see Mooch doing much for the ticket. Any insight as to WHY you think they would run her?

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Getting rid of Joe isn't the problem. He does what he's told. DNC big money donors and delegates will quickly fall into line when convinced Joe is going to lose. The issue is they don't have a viable replacement candidate. If they had Prime Years Obama waiting in the wings they would have dumped Joe a long time ago.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

People miss the point. Swapping out Joe isn't their problem. They could literally lock Joe in a room and withhold food and care until he signs whatever doc they told him to. DNC big money donors and convention delegates would dump Joe in a heartbeat if they were convinced Joe was set to lose to Trump. Their problem is they don't have a viable candidate to take on Trump - all of them poll WORSE against Trump than Gropey Joe does.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed that the left/dems don't give a shit about laws. But you miss the point. Getting Joe to step down and swapping him out is easy enough, ballot deadlines or other laws or not. The crux of the issue is WHO are they going to swap him out for? All the other potential dems actually do WORSE against Trump. Can you see Kamallah Cackles versus Trump in a general election? She would run on a platform of MuH bOrSHunz and get totally nuked.

My guess is they are going to have to keep Joe, try and fix the damage, and then shift the ballot stuffing machine into overdrive. And then hope to ride out any ensuing backlash. Like OP said, if Trump gets back into office many of them will be getting fitted for orange jumpsuits or even face a firing squad.

Deplorable_in_PA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mooch? I've heard this one before, not seeing it. Why Mooch? I can't see people getting excited about voting for Mooch. She would do well with base turnout and maybe peel off some left leaning independents who would either sit this one out or vote Trump. But I don't see her being a formidable match up for Trump.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

None of the above. I think the dems were boxed into a corner and had to trot out Joe and get a decent showing - and they failed to do so.

Deplorable_in_PA 9 points ago +9 / -0

Completely disagree. A decent Biden showing was crucial to the dems. It would have been way easier and less messy to have Dementia Joe quietly retire for "health reasons" months ago and put up a candidate with a shot of winning. They doped the hell out of Joe, set up a debate favorable to him, and he bombed anyway. A decent showing would have made a Biden "reelection" seem plausible while they stuffed ballots.

Deplorable_in_PA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY in the hell they would trot out this corpse for a debate. Someone is way the hell off. They could have just as easily replaced Dementia Joe months ago. But instead they kept him in? Yeah, this is either an op or some kind of twilight zone level shit.

Deplorable_in_PA 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Journalism is publishing what someone else doesn't want published. The rest is public relations"

  • George Orwell
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