We the people do not get away with breaking the law no matter how big or small. If I run a red light it is a misdemeanor and that can be slapped but if I commit a felony the prosecution is out to win their case and will do anything to be famous. Time we start holding lawyers to account and prosecute them when they break the law. The court of public opinion is a greater power than we realize. We have more than we know. Time to liberal up and start throwing a fit and not let up until we get what we want. At least until we can fix this government and set it back upon its founding!
Comments (7)
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I still think the best first move would be getting people to stop paying federal income tax. File, then add a deduction for the total amount for failure to prove authority to tax. Imagine a million people did this the same year. That alone would overwhelm the system. Then imagine 10 million do it... or 50 million.
IRS becomes overwhelmed and can no longer function. You think the Fed is going to keep loaning the government money if they have no revenue to make payments on the interest? DOUBT IT.
it is hard when they just take it out ..buuuuuut if we had enough people change their w9 witholding saying you have 14 dependents that would work then dont file income tax...or get enought people to take 2 weeks off work at the same time...that would break their back in no time
If you're talking about W2 paychecks, you can tell your employer to not deduct any income taxes. If it's court ordered, might I suggest 1099? :p
How about slits in the wrist?
There is going to be a recalibration in the Justice system. SOON.
A reconciliation!
YES, That is an Accounting term.