The question should be why should a politician Ieave richer? If ppI gain riches from politics, is it from the saIary? If it's from anywhere else, that's a ConfIict of lnterest. It means the decisions they make are not made with their constituents iin mind. Meaning, they are disenfranchising their voters and their voters' rights.
They're supposed to be public servants, not PRlVATE servants. So the question now is whose? Only an AUDlT can say. And now that they've set the precedent to check a PRlVATE ClTlZEN'S records, let's see what these servants don't want us to see.
The question should be why should a politician Ieave richer? If ppI gain riches from politics, is it from the saIary? If it's from anywhere else, that's a ConfIict of lnterest. It means the decisions they make are not made with their constituents iin mind. Meaning, they are disenfranchising their voters and their voters' rights.
They're supposed to be public servants, not PRlVATE servants. So the question now is whose? Only an AUDlT can say. And now that they've set the precedent to check a PRlVATE ClTlZEN'S records, let's see what these servants don't want us to see.