It is ONLY AF-1 if the President is flying on it. There is a number of blue/white motif planes at Andrews. I was a production Superintendent at Andrews during the Clinton years. They fly SAM missions where they take dignitaries around. But, the designation AF-1 is only for the plane the President flies on, even if it’s a VC20.
How about, why is he being flown around in any American Air Force plane? Since when does the U.S. offer the Air Force as an Uber service for foreign leaders? Doesn't he have his own plane? This isn't a thing. Total bananaland!
The plane is only AF1 if the president is onboard. For that matter any government owned plane becomes AF1 when the president is onboard. But as others have said, why is that Ukrainian girly boy being taxied around in a government plane?
It is ONLY AF-1 if the President is flying on it. There is a number of blue/white motif planes at Andrews. I was a production Superintendent at Andrews during the Clinton years. They fly SAM missions where they take dignitaries around. But, the designation AF-1 is only for the plane the President flies on, even if it’s a VC20.
How about, why is he being flown around in any American Air Force plane? Since when does the U.S. offer the Air Force as an Uber service for foreign leaders? Doesn't he have his own plane? This isn't a thing. Total bananaland!
Ukraine drones don't have enough battery packs to get here.
Different planes in both images
Good catch!
Damn,my eyes are getting bad. They looked identical to me.
The plane is only AF1 if the president is onboard. For that matter any government owned plane becomes AF1 when the president is onboard. But as others have said, why is that Ukrainian girly boy being taxied around in a government plane?
He has the goods on the US government, thats why.
The plane on the left is a Boeing 737 maybe an 800 and the one on the right looks like a Boeing 757-200. Not the same plane.