I’ve been working for years on a way to explain the ‘big problem’ to normies… and I’ve identified a crucial part that they can probably understand. I was trying to explain how ‘big pharma’ medicine is based on a false premise, which means that all of their conclusions wrong.
I initially wanted to say that it’s because John D Rockefeller was a villain who realised that pharmaceuticals could be made from petroleum. And seeing as how he was an oil magnate, hey why not expand into this industry. Now, he was not a doctor of any kind. He was an ‘entrepreneur’, which is the chosen job title of narcissists who produce nothing and simply manipulate resources including humans to give them money so they can pay others to make them food and make fun experiences for them.
So JDR starts making pharmaceuticals and he’s like ‘how do we sell these’? Simple - tap into the problems people are expressing and say that these solve the problem. (Did you catch the part where pharmaceuticals are made out of oil? Yeah that crap normies swallow most days is mad out of oil.) What were people saying about their problems? Well, they were expressing an opinion based on the philosophy known as ‘physicalism”. This is a derivative of a wider philosophy called ‘materialism’.
Materialism is the belief that matter is the only primary, that matter is supreme, that all causes are from matter. When you take that idea and apply it to the physical sciences, you get ‘physicalism”. These ideas were invented around the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s. Before this, people thought of another primary called ‘consciousness’. Nowadays, thanks to materialism, people do consider consciousness to be a primary, This leads them to certain conclusions about the nature of scientific phenomena, especially health related phenomena.
The most important phenomena to talk about is disease. Almost everyone, throughout their lifetime will think that they ‘have a disease’. Their knowledge starts with the identification of certain symptoms, such as a rash, pox, respiratory issues such as coughing, sore throat, runny nose, and also symptoms related to organs. So they will go to the doctor and say ‘I’m having some.m problems, I have this symptom and that, so what can I do to stop it because it’s very unlikable to me’.
The doctor, who is also a materialist, will say that he has seen these symptoms among a number of patients, and in med school, and he has studied in books and read it in papers and heard very intelligent people say that this can be cause by for example genes, environmental factors, stress, certain vitamin and nutrient deficiencies so it’s very important to start living healthily for example a balanced diet, exercise, avoiding addicting habits, trying not to stress and a whole bunch of things to ‘do’ and ‘try to do’. He will also mention the risks of your disease, whatever they may be, and let you know about the pharmaceutical options.
Now, he doesn’t need a kickback for any of this. There doesn’t need to be any payment, because the medical empire has given them power. They have the title of doctor, people pay to listen to them, they have automatic credibility because they went to medical school and have treated lots of patients. Well, I will tell you right now. These people have no idea what they’re talking about. They are hypnotised by status seeking unconscious behavior and are memorising what the medical establishment tells them is true and to repeat it to customers. They have almost zero independent thinking capacity. They don’t know the first thing about disease, and they are advising you on absolute nonsense. Almost everything that they tell you is 100% BS. And they don’t even know it. They never learned to tell wrong from right because they were never taught an objective rational way of thriving in reality… they were only ever told to cope by people who knew nothing but how to cope.
The reason they’re coping and not thriving is this key element: materialism. They do not believe in consciousness as a primary with matter. They only believe in matter so they don’t believe in fee will, identity, soul. I can only write for so long at a time, so part 2 will be later.