- People had stopped taking jabs, most of them not even taking second jab leave alone boosters.
COVID-19 vaccines not mandatory: Centre to Supreme Court
- Then enter WHO
4 Indian cough syrups Banned by WHO Contain This Toxic Chemical. All You Need to Know About The Dangerous Ingredient.
- Then the arm twisting begins
Gambia panel says India firm culpable for cough syrup deaths
An Indian official said last week that the WHO was "presumptuous" in blaming the syrups.
- Now India is falling in line to WHO
Karnataka CM asks people to take Covid-19 booster dose citing spurt in cases in China, U.S., Japan
Leader of Opposition asks Karnataka Government to make booster dose mandatory for all
Concerned at reports of a spurt in COVID-19 cases in China, U.S. and Japan, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has appealed to people in Karnataka to take the precautionary booster dose of Covid-19 vaccine and cooperate with the government by following COVID-appropriate behaviour.
- More Jabs pushing on innocent children
Girls aged 9 to 14 to get cervical cancer vaccines through schools The preventable and curable cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Indian women
- More pushing and brain washing of experimental jabs
Explained | How can mRNA vaccines help fight cancer? PREMIUM What are the results from an experimental trial on skin cancer patients? How was the trial conducted? How does the mRNA technology work? Are cancer vaccines going to be a reality soon? Will they be affordable? Will they fight other cancers too?
Will there be light?
Will we really know what is happening in the world?
Will we ever be free before Jesus comes?
How they control India----MONEY in the right places!