125 Fake News Assures Us that Social Media Being Completely Infiltrated By Former CIA and FBI Officials Is Not a Problem. Listen To Your Betters At the Fake News. (www.dailymail.co.uk) posted 2 years ago by SemperSupra 2 years ago by SemperSupra +125 / -0 Facebook employs many ex-CIA agents as ex-FBI agents work at Twitter Former CIA agents made up some of the top ranks in almost every politically sensitive department at Meta, as former FBI agents migrated over to Twitter in droves before the 2020 election. 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Are they really “former” agents or is this how Musk could lay off half of twitter without any change to the service?
Good Question. I've read many times, "Once CIA, always CIA. There is no such thing as Former CIA" It makes you wonder. Just like the FDA looks like a Monsanto Board Room.