38 🧵👇Say you are one of the governors facing an incipient revolution from a middle class sick of being preyed upon, lied to, and used as human guinea pigs in Big Pharma experiments... (threadreaderapp.com) posted 2 years ago by DREDD 2 years ago by DREDD +39 / -1 Thread by @MrGoldstein7 on Thread Reader App @MrGoldstein7: ??Say you are one of the governors facing an incipient revolution from a middle class sick of being preyed upon, lied to, and used as human guinea pigs in Big Pharma experiments. Say you have...… 7 comments share 7 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Had a dream last night in which I was ranting to some stranger in a shop.
Told him how I hated politicians and there's no Democrat-Republican dichotomy. They're all crooks.