AJ taught me everything I know and I'm his biggest fangirl.
I'm looking for his high school picture so I can make a poster out of it and put it on my bedroom wall.
I can't seem to find one. isn't that odd? Anybody find one for me? I'd pay good money.
I'm also looking for a good copy of Rush Limbaughs high school photo to go right next to it. Any takers?
you need to understand the "alt" model... or alternative model of containing the access to content for any population.
the people who create our "reality", thru things like NPR radio, and TV news, and newspapers are all basically giving you a different spin on the same fake news story.
who told you the truth about 9/11 ?
who told you the truth about COVID ?
so their model is basically to provide
an official story
an alternative version of the official story
alternatives, to the alternatives
so "liberal media" alt is "fox news" alt is "alex jones" alt is ???
but the legacy fake news media is running out of "alternatives"
and thats why you are reading this comment right now.
My comments are actually 'alternative' method of revelation. kek
Re; "Who told you (me) the truth about 9/11"
Well, ....knowing the Bush connection to the Bin Laden family and the Saudi Royals....as soon as the 1st tower was 'hit', I called the two people I knew who would listen,and told them the New World Order had just begun, that Bin Laden would be blaimed, and our rights taken under pretext of anti-terrrorism. Then a week later, told Washington pundit Mark Shields the same thing and said 9/11 was our 'Reichstag event'.
Who told me about Covid?
Knowing about SIDS and Sickle Cell, Lyme disease, Tuskagee Syphillus, Montauk Chimeric DNA experimentation, Salk's history, Ebola in Africa, AIDS experimentation in rats ala David Ferrie and Dr. Mary......I saw the Batman: Arkham Knights video game as the future programming of 'bat flu' that would occur simultaneously with riots.
I'm sorry......I was using reverse (child) psychology to get people to actually LOOK, as per the mission of Q.
You did not fail and thanks for playing :)