AJ taught me everything I know and I'm his biggest fangirl.
I'm looking for his high school picture so I can make a poster out of it and put it on my bedroom wall.
I can't seem to find one. isn't that odd? Anybody find one for me? I'd pay good money.
I'm also looking for a good copy of Rush Limbaughs high school photo to go right next to it. Any takers?
He is not a friend but a sporting goods/hunting supplier. To me he was totally credible. Super good dude. Rockwall Tx. He does have friends who dont believe that he schooled with Alex. He said he was a year behind Alex. The whole kick peoples ass thing makes me think of Fight Club. He witnessed also Alex beat the crap out of Alexs best friend.
Are you suggesting that Alex was a possible Pugilist Club candidate as a Tyler Durdin.
Fisticuffs aside, I would suspend the 'totally credible' tag with someone I just met in November, who's friends disbelieve. Apparently they attended a different school.
How did you discover that his friends don't believe him?
Me and the guy had a long chat. He was very credible. It was a random meeting to pick up a warranty replacement item.
Did he mention the record of the football team that year? Couldn't have been good.
I'm trying to imagine the encounter like a fly on the wall............".......speaking of guns and Alex Jones...............................I went to high school with him.........year behind..............so of course my friends don't believe me.................but I saw him punch his best friend once, and another time, 5 football players almost lost when they beat the crap out of him. Me? I'm just hanging out at the gun club. Speaking of clubs, I was thinking........doesn't that make Alex a Tyler Durdin before his time?'
All total credibility aside, all good lies start with a grain of truth.
Thank you for your input.
Last night I farted in this same chair.