The stupidity is having an all-electric home. Electricity is terrible to heat with.
My dad lived out in the country. There was no natural gas to be had. Propane, like having your own tank and taking delivery, wasn't cheap. So, he had a nice wood-burning fireplace that he ran all day.
At night they used that magical invention called a heating blanket.
You must be smarter than anyone else. A rank of wood is 90-120 bucks if you dont own a forest electric heat Is cheaper than all.other forms of heating. I own 2 fully electric homes.
Many trees are cut down in the summer. Just ask for some and people are more than happy to give it away for free. I have pulled my car over many times and loaded up at the most unexpected times. And it’s fun!
Probably correct on both counts, Fren. The stupidity is off the charts.
The stupidity is having an all-electric home. Electricity is terrible to heat with.
My dad lived out in the country. There was no natural gas to be had. Propane, like having your own tank and taking delivery, wasn't cheap. So, he had a nice wood-burning fireplace that he ran all day.
At night they used that magical invention called a heating blanket.
You must be smarter than anyone else. A rank of wood is 90-120 bucks if you dont own a forest electric heat Is cheaper than all.other forms of heating. I own 2 fully electric homes.
This is absolutely 100% wrong.
Many trees are cut down in the summer. Just ask for some and people are more than happy to give it away for free. I have pulled my car over many times and loaded up at the most unexpected times. And it’s fun!