Something is bothering me- Why have gas prices really dropped?
It makes no sense afaik, unless Patriots are in control and something devolution-like is going on. Let's hear it peeps.
IMHO, it is to distract us from food prices going up astronomically. There continues to be unprecedented number of food processing plants, grain storage facilities, and other food plants being destroyed by fire and explosions. Across the country with the alleged 'bird flu'(So 'They' say), millions of chickens have been ordered to be killed. The government does not include food or energy as part of core inflation. This is the hat trick being used here. If it is an "act of Nature" like droughts, floods, and fires (explosions) that causes the price to go up, it isn't considered inflation.
IMHO, I think it is all a preconceived plan to create food shortages. Can anyone also recognize the reported fertilizer shortages? Or government dictates against Nitrogen as justification to confiscate farmer land? Or the continuing government harassment against Natural grown food producers? Just as the paper manufacturing companies orchestrated a 'toilet paper' shortages as a result of orders from Black Rock and Vanguard limiting transport shipments, we are seeing similar actions here.
Ask yourself-- What does this mean? Is the purpose of this the 'tip-of-the-spear' to lock-in our recognition of more fall out? Another form of Kharmic retribution? In other words, a foresight to more of this to come?
Buy local. Do not support the corporate grocery chains. Buy farmer direct if you can. Enjoy the gas prices while they're artificially low.