Something is bothering me- Why have gas prices really dropped?
It makes no sense afaik, unless Patriots are in control and something devolution-like is going on. Let's hear it peeps.
That's a big factor here. One local county is usually at least 30 cents a gallon less than in the other counties and the one city nearby. The difference is all local taxes. Now go look at what nearly 70% of that local money goes to in your home local county, town and county (in my state you pay both county and town taxes if you live in a town) or city.
"Now go look at what nearly 70% of that local money goes to in your home local county, town and county".....what is your point?
You had stated your gas prices were never below $2.00...are you still confident in that?
I live in Illinois and over 70% goes towards public pensions of six figure lifetime retirements for teachers....
I never said gas prices here were never below $2. In fact I never mentioned gas prices other than to say one locality was usually at least 30 cents less, responding to your post about local taxes. That county has lower local gas taxes. I have no idea where you got that I said gas prices never went below $2 because it's not there. Do you have a reading disability?
And you got my point about where most of local tax revenues go - to local public schools in one form of spending or another. I left out the part about checking to see how average teacher salaries compare to the average salaries for everyone else in your locality. Most places here teachers' average salary is double what average salaries are for the entire counties or city.
You you chimed in after matheletes foot….got you two confused…apologies. “ Do you have a reading disability?” Apparently….Kek.
I responded to mathelete about local taxes, then you responded….I didn’t catch that you inserted yourself into the conversation…
I swear. Really. This is my third time trying to respond. The computer ate the other two. I wasn't being sarcastic. I really thought you had a reading issue. Local taxes always boil down to paying for lavishly expensive (and mostly failing) school systems churning out adults who don't have the basic skills to get a job. Anyway, hope you're having a very merry Christmas. I just made a humongous meal and am now going to vegetate.