334 6 year old from BC vaxxed and admitted to hospital with myocarditis dies of blood clots. The Dad was pro vax and taunted anyone who said the shots aren't safe. What an absolute tragedy for this little victim of our evil government. posted 2 years ago by CanadianPedeMan1571 2 years ago by CanadianPedeMan1571 +335 / -1 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/6-year-old-canadian-kid-dies-suddenly-suffering-massive-stroke-doctor-diagnosed-myocarditis-due-flu/ 72 comments share 72 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Isn't it funny the hoops people are jumping through to get their posts past Zuck? Don't they put those 2 and 2 together??