All out of ‘Conspiracy Theories’ since they have all proven to be actual conspiracies. So I asked Santa to put some more “in the stocking”. Yet another shortage coming? /s
🤡 MSM Conspiracy Theory 🤡

Just ask yourself 'WWSD' ? What would Satan do.
And you provide yourself with their schedule ahead of time. :)
Yes. Cabal seems to be using same playbook as their 1976-1981 attempted takeover with Soviet agents. That one included fake swine flu pandemic to suppress voter turnout to rig/steal election in 1976 (2020), mandatory vaxx in 1977 (2021), then more rigging by FBI/CIA in 1978 midterms (2022), followed by 2nd fake pandemic of smallpox in 1979 (2023).
The moon is flat.
Hehe...mixed conspiracies? Hollow Earth and hollow moon (it is really a spaceship placed in orbit?). Plus “flat earth” which may actually be domed slightly convex section of larger nonrotating sphere with Antarctica around perimeter? This assumes toroidal magnetic field (falsely called gravity) holding everyone in place.
Does this mean body morphing lizard people is back on the menu?
It all we have left.
Pretty sure they never were off. They just moving from conspiracies.win to greatawakening.win Hehe
I'm kinda digging #BirdsAreNotReal these days
Oh that was funny back when I was on Reddit🐸
What happened to #DinosaursAreNotReal? /s
Sure read up on agenda 2030
Yes. Many forget cabal deadline is 2030, not 2024.