Her family actually took her out of the hospital and is taking care of her at home, after she went and spent 2 weeks in there with nothing to show for it. After all this COVID stuff, she now sees the system as a big corrupt scam. This elderly woman has a spirit that burns hot and bright. She's the sweetest, nicest lady.
It's hard to tell if it was jab-related or if it 's just due to doctors not screening patients for anything anymore. I don't want to just show up there with a box of Ivermectin since I don't know her medical history and risk factors. I could give her daughter some good advice, though, and also I told them if they need any help that I would be there for them. What do you guys recommend I do?
I think methylene blue is used as a cancer protocol. All diseases seem to be caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. Methylene blue plus red light therapy. But I don't have any specifics.
Patients With Mitochondrial Disease Have an Inadequate Nutritional Intake - https://aspenjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1177/0148607117699792#:~:text=Vitamins%20B%20and%20D%2C%20iron,important%20role%20in%20mitochondrial%20function.
Makes sense. Probably a million things affect. Another interesting healer for all things is being in sync with sun cycles and getting the proper light waves at the right time of day.