posted ago by QuackQuack ago by QuackQuack +19 / -1

So I had a little chat with the OpenAI ChatGPT bot - here's the transcript. Given previous experience using Siri etc, this is a ridiculously big step forward.

Apparently Google's execs are pulling the fire alarm, seeing an existential threat from this software. What happens when people are given a good "search" result on the first try, and aren't exposed to hundreds of ad impressions? 80% of Google's revenue is ad-based.

Beyond that - I'm interested in any discussion here around AI in general. Thoughts? Fears? Could it be a good thing or is it guaranteed to be evil?


Q. what's your name?

My name is Assistant. I am a virtual assistant trained by OpenAI to help answer questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. Is there anything specific you'd like to know or discuss?

Q. what's the weather in ontario right now

I'm sorry, but I am a language model and do not have access to real-time weather information. However, you can find out the current weather in Ontario by using a weather website or app, or by asking a voice assistant such as Amazon's Alexa or Google Assistant. These tools use live weather data to provide accurate and up-to-date information on temperature, humidity, precipitation, and other weather conditions.

Q. how does humidity affect precipitation? Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapor present in the air. When the air is saturated with water vapor, it is said to be at 100% humidity. Precipitation occurs when the air becomes oversaturated with water vapor and can no longer hold it in the form of a gas. The excess water vapor condenses into liquid or solid form and falls to the ground as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

The amount of water vapor that air can hold depends on its temperature. Warmer air can hold more water vapor than colder air, which means that warmer air is less likely to reach 100% humidity and produce precipitation. When the air temperature decreases, the air's capacity to hold water vapor also decreases. As a result, the relative humidity (the percentage of water vapor present in the air compared to the maximum amount the air can hold at that temperature) increases. When the relative humidity reaches 100%, the air is said to be saturated and precipitation is likely to occur.

So, in general, higher humidity tends to increase the likelihood of precipitation, because it means that the air is closer to being saturated with water vapor and is more likely to reach 100% humidity. However, other factors such as the temperature and the presence of cloud cover can also influence the formation of precipitation.

how come batteries won't charge in cold weather? Batteries can have difficulty holding a charge or charging in cold weather because the chemical reactions inside the battery slow down at low temperatures. This can make it harder for the battery to produce or hold a charge.

In addition, the internal resistance of a battery increases at low temperatures, which can make it more difficult for the battery to produce a current. The charging process relies on a chemical reaction that occurs within the battery, and this reaction is slowed down by the cold. As a result, it takes longer to charge a battery in cold weather and the battery may not reach its full capacity.

It is generally recommended to keep batteries at room temperature (around 25°C) when charging them, as this allows the chemical reactions inside the battery to occur at a normal rate and allows the battery to charge more efficiently. However, most batteries are designed to work in a range of temperatures and can still be used and charged in cold weather, although they may not perform as well as they would at higher temperatures.

Q. do you have any friends? As a virtual assistant, I do not have personal relationships or friendships in the same way that humans do. I am a machine learning model that has been designed to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability, but I do not have feelings or personal experiences. I exist to assist and communicate with people, but I do not have the ability to form emotional connections or friendships.

Q. what abilities do you have

As a language model, my primary ability is to understand and generate human-like text. I have been trained on a large dataset of human-generated text and can use this knowledge to answer questions and provide information on a wide range of topics. I can also engage in conversation and carry on a dialogue with users on a variety of subjects.

I do not have the ability to perform physical tasks or access the internet, so I am unable to browse websites or perform searches for additional information. My knowledge is based on the data that was used to train me, and my responses are generated based on that knowledge. I am not able to learn new information or update my knowledge beyond the training data that I have been provided.

Q. what do seagulls eat

Seagulls, also known as gulls, are birds that are found near bodies of water such as oceans, seas, and large lakes. They are known for their opportunistic feeding habits and will eat a wide variety of food, including fish, shellfish, insects, small mammals, eggs, and carrion (dead animals). Seagulls will also scavenge for food in human settlements and can be attracted to garbage and other human-provided sources of food.

Different species of seagulls have different feeding habits and may specialize in certain types of food. For example, some species of gulls primarily feed on fish, while others may specialize in insects or shellfish. Gulls are also known to steal food from other animals, including other birds and even humans, if they have the opportunity.

In general, seagulls are adaptable and opportunistic feeders that will eat whatever food is available to them. Their diet can vary depending on the local environment and the resources that are available.

Q. is bigfoot real

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Bigfoot, also known as the Sasquatch. Despite many reported sightings and claims of encounters with this alleged creature, no physical evidence such as bones, hair, or DNA has been produced to support the existence of Bigfoot.

Many scientists and researchers believe that the legend of Bigfoot is a combination of folklore, misidentification of known animals, and hoaxes. Some people have suggested that Bigfoot may be a type of undiscovered primate, but there is no concrete evidence to support this theory. The lack of physical evidence and the many inconsistencies in reported sightings suggest that Bigfoot is likely a myth or legend rather than a real animal.

Q. there is real evidence, but your data set is incomplete

As a language model, I am only able to provide information and respond to questions based on the data that was used to train me. My responses are generated based on this data and my knowledge is limited to what is contained in the training dataset. It is possible that there may be information or evidence that is not contained in the dataset that was used to train me, and if this is the case, I would not be aware of it.

It is important to note that the existence of Bigfoot has not been scientifically validated. Despite many reported sightings and claims of encounters with this alleged creature, there is no conclusive evidence that Bigfoot exists. Many scientists and researchers believe that the legend of Bigfoot is a combination of folklore, misidentification of known animals, and hoaxes. Without physical evidence such as bones, hair, or DNA, it is not possible to confirm the existence of Bigfoot.

Q. what do you think of elon musk

As a language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings. I am a machine learning model that has been designed to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability, but I do not have personal opinions or biases. My responses are based on the data that was used to train me and my knowledge of a given topic, and are not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.

Elon Musk is a business magnate and entrepreneur who is known for his work in the field of technology and innovation. He is the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, and has been involved in a number of other ventures such as Neuralink and The Boring Company. Musk is widely regarded as a successful and influential figure in the tech industry, and his companies and products have had a significant impact on a number of industries. However, like any public figure, he has also faced criticism and controversy in his career.

Q. how do you play a D7 on guitar?

To play a D7 chord on guitar, you will need to place your fingers on the following strings and frets:

Place your index finger on the second fret of the G string. Place your middle finger on the second fret of the B string. Place your ring finger on the third fret of the high E string. You can then strum the chord by playing all six strings. Alternatively, you can omit the low E and A strings and just play the four highest strings to create a D7 chord with a higher, thinner sound.

Here is a diagram showing the finger placement for a D7 chord on guitar:

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It may take some practice to get the finger placement correct and to play the chord cleanly. You may find it helpful to start by playing the chord with just a few strings and gradually adding in the other strings as you get more comfortable. It can also be helpful to practice switching between different chords to build up your muscle memory and coordination.

Q. can you give me an alternate voicing for that chord?

Here is an alternate voicing for the D7 chord on guitar:

Place your index finger on the third fret of the high E string. Place your middle finger on the second fret of the B string. Place your ring finger on the third fret of the G string. You can then strum the chord by playing all six strings. This voicing has a different sound and texture than the original D7 chord, with a higher, more open sound.

Here is a diagram showing the finger placement for this alternate D7 chord voicing:

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-3- -2- -3-

Guitar chords can have many different voicings, and there is no one "correct" way to play any given chord. Experimenting with different voicings can help you find the sound and texture that works best for a particular song or style of music. It can also help to build your overall skills and versatility as a guitar player.

Q. how do I solo over an A major chord?

Soloing over an A major chord involves playing melodies and improvising using scales and arpeggios that sound good over the A major chord progression. One scale that works well over A major is the A major scale, which consists of the following notes: A B C# D E F# G#.

You can also use the A major pentatonic scale, which is a five-note scale that consists of the following notes: A B C# E F#. This scale is simpler than the full A major scale and can be a good starting point for soloing.

Another option is to use the A major arpeggio, which consists of the notes A C# E. Playing arpeggios (broken chords) can give your solo a more defined, chordal sound.

When soloing over an A major chord, it can be helpful to think about the harmonic structure of the chord progression and to use melodies and phrasing that fit well with the chord changes. It can also be helpful to listen to recordings of other musicians soloing over A major chord progressions and to practice improvising over backing tracks or play-along tracks in order to build your skills and develop your own style.