QuackQuack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey friend, I see you posted this a year ago. Did you end up finding out anything about CLL? I'm looking for info too.

QuackQuack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for this - very interesting thoughts. It also occurred to me that perhaps God was using this event to prophetically “open Trump’s ear” to hear Him.

QuackQuack 10 points ago +10 / -0

If Al Gore invented the internet, then sure, AJ launched Q.

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it just me, or has Zuck turned back into looking like a human sometime in the past year or so?

I remember seeing some other clip of him, and thought, oh, maybe he is human after all... and now each new clip of him I see I still think the same thing.

Which admittedly, is a very strange thing to think about anyone LOL.

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

if you took a bet with a 100 ft tall man with a huge stick and a bad attitude, you might consider letting him take it back after he lost too.

LOL, just sayin'

QuackQuack 4 points ago +5 / -1

The damage to his credibility would be massive if this were proven fake. Trump knows full well how the anon community functions, and what it is capable of. IMO for this reason alone they would not do so; he's already massively ahead in the polls, so why take a huge risk for a minor bump that he doesn't need?

If he were in a bad underdog position, something like this could galvanize a comeback - totally different story I guess. As it is today, I just don't see it.

QuackQuack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m don’t think this is faked…. Simply from the perspective that if it was revealed to be fake it would do far more damage to his campaign and credibility than he would gain from the sympathy of a perceived attempt

QuackQuack 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trump doesn't have to destroy Biden here.

He just has to look alive and prove he's got a pulse.

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did it. No I did it! Well you did this. No I did this!

just tuned in to 30 seconds. Is the whole thing going to be like this?

QuackQuack 1 point ago +1 / -0

not quite, but the tube is inserted

QuackQuack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I never thought I’d be able to see the northern lights from my backyard here in southern BC. Last night I got a great show.

QuackQuack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've heard that electroculture helps for pests, but I haven't seen any hard studies on it. I'm currently doing a little test on some plants at home, but it's too early to see any results.

QuackQuack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn’t Olbermnan basically perma-triggered these days?

That’s gotta be exhausting

QuackQuack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know it’s not the same thing, but..

Fun fact: vegetarian meat products differ from dog food by less than 1%.

I’m happy Ron made this move banning lab growing meat, but decidedly less happy that he flew to Israel to sign his copy of the antisemitism law.

QuackQuack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know if any anons here follow this guy, but there's lots of stuff in this video. He's got a pretty good track record of decoding market & world events via numerology.

I'm not (and he's not) advocating numerology, but only from the standpoint that those who pull the strings on the world level believe in this stuff and encode everything they do with it.

Just one notable event from the video - April 15 the Copenhagen Stock Exchange burned. This was a fire ritual connected to the Year of the Dragon (the building has a huge spire representing four dragon's tails). Same day as the Notre Dame burned. The Nazis invaded Denmark... it goes on and on. The Titanic. etc.

Upcoming dates of interest: April 20 - 22 years, 222 days from 9/11. For reference, 3/11/2021 (start of Covid) was 222 months from 9/11.

April 24th has all kinds of connections, could possibly be a local bottom for the crypto markets etc.

Lots in here for those interested. I know its a long vid. No way around that unfortunately.

QuackQuack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never seen this guy before, but he's on target. Also didn't know the Russian/Israeli connection on the mega churches, though I am aware of several SRA survivors who have pointed out some of the leaders of these things as having been their abusers.

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