My Father has always been a practical man… his foresight often was a thing to behold albeit I never recognized it as soon as I wish I would have…
…Here was a man, my Father, with a grade six education who recognized things that certainly in hindsight were quite remarkable… I remember my older brother about to graduate high school in about 1980 wondering what might be the career path to choose and a university path he should choose and I vaguely remember my father suggesting computers seemed to him to be a big possibility for good as has been largely the case (although at that time he never touched a computer to that point)… I remember my older brother going into the field coming home with long mainframe print outs from late night mainframe computer time and I being two years younger still wondering what the computer thing might be about…
I remember well my Father always being certain that family and spirituality were of the highest importance. I remember being in high school and like so many of adolescence age, thinking my current friends would be it – BFF…
I was fortunate to marry my high school sweetheart and starting a family and realizing then the simple and so often found, but not often enough, truth, that family and what I hold as spirituality, are indeed so very precious and important. His actions were always more impactful than word, in the life he led with my ever-dedicated Mom. They showed the way!
My Father was always and remains a devote Catholic. Not ever reading the versions of history I read, he never understood my reservations, not reservations in the commandments or other teachings, but what the infiltrated church was slowly becoming. It was a source of decades of minor friction points. His devote faith, to be admired to some degree, meant we saw some things differently, but I watched my Father, the seer closest to me, also seek and struggle to understand how we might best positively impact the world.
When my Father retired he had a business card printed that had the line printed on it, "now having the time to serve the Lord"… Always the seer he saw things needing to be addressed! He and those he listened to, saw the current effort to chip people, huge surveillance databases and he railed against efforts to diminish family farms one of which he grew up on) and for reasons he never seemed able to quite verbalize, he shared Pope John Paul II’s push back against globalism…
For years, in my naiveté, I saw all too little of what the heck he was on about. We had a good number of discussions on these matters… I’d point out things, like my own involvement with data bases and my deep skepticism that the technical challenges could remotely be overcome… and then years later I too saw indeed they were being overcome and that chipping people was indeed the desired mark of the beast… I too witnessed firsthand that speaking out about such things has long been purposely made that of silly “conspiracy theory” by the “big club” we are are not allowed to influence - that is, unless we too are willing to sell your soul to join… what a huge unpleasant surprise that was to me! So fortunate for me, my wife, like my Mom, was a huge supporter and my own kids get it!
Like my Father had shown for years, I too worked to gather my sphere of influence to raise awareness and understanding to effect positive change. So long turned off by the dogma of the infiltrated church I dim wittingly overlooked the core precious wisdom that could have forged a key alliance, the like we all look for. My Father and I have enjoyed a long loving relationship and we have expressed it a couple of times – thank God! But as I finally see what fresh hell is being brought upon us and how great the need for great alliances. I bemoan my slowness in being able to lift the veil from my own eyes, which my Father saw years prior and I now know well the urgency for he spoke of it. Unfortunately I often feigned a willingness to hear a snippet.
My Father tired, as I too have felt the burden and weight of many of times. By the time I shared more of his wisdom, he was health wise spent and rightfully anxious to pass the torch! I so pray for there not to be remotely the need to have to carry such a burden so long as he did, let alone to need to pass said torch to the next generation!
From the time covid hit I have railed with the little I have, not to forgo freedoms for a so called greater good, for there is no greater good than our God granted freedoms, so long as we use them wisely! Being chipped with DNA altering vaccines is not aligned with our God given DNA!
Unto my fellow persons; •They forced so many to close family businesses being supposedly not essential •They forced masks on children •They refused to let them buy groceries •They forced into unemployment •They have tried to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas •They wouldn’t let us visit family, even the dying •They called us deplorable for refusing to submit to bill of right and unconstitutional orders
Pope John Paul II having lived through socialist and communist efforts in Poland so wisely stated “A person who is deprived of something he can call his own, and of the possibility of earning a living through his own initiative, comes to depend on the social machine and those who control it”!
Worse still, but coveted by those who seek total control, is an immune system which has been totally compromised by vaccines and boosters and becomes totally dependent on them for your survival, for then they totally control you! In such a predicament you will give up all freedom and bow to the need totally. You will do whatever you are told or else.
My Father, the Seer, spoke often of Satan and for decades I thought it to be silly talk… until I truly saw Satans works very much within the scamdemic and current globalism!
Here is a version of a prayer found written on the wall in Mother Teresa's home for children in Calcutta: People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
There are those who will leap upon the shortcomings and sins of Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa and perhaps justly so. You and I will do well to act upon these words and wisdom at a minimum!
My Father, the biological and my Father God the spriritual, the seers, both speak this wisdom. My biological Father now plagued with dementia, and now being separated physically from his wife of 67 years this week, taught me such valuable insights… Tomorrow and the next day I hope to continue to be able to share what I can with my Father and Mother, of what I’m doing to carry his torch and I’ll know by the twinkle in their eyes that I’m doing my little bit of God’s work… There is a crack in everything that’s how God’s light get in…
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. Don’t wait on a plan be part of the plan and solution!
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
Prayers from a pained but faithful Catholic family for you and yours, fren. We will hold the line and we will greet each other on the other side.