Starting with 911 I need to map every major deep state event since. The point of the video will be to showcase the stupidity of those making the rules and those that report on it. I need video clips of them saying stupid things to them making stupid policies. It will be funny, informative, and red piling. Some might think this post is low effort but it is not. It is for something that will be fantastic in the future. These things take time. I had so much research on my laptop and on Christmas Eve my hard drive crashed. No backup. I don’t trust clouds and I will be installing ssd soon. No more motorized hdd. So if you have clips or just memories of times people were overtly stupid yet mistakes our kindness for ignorance, please share. I wish I had a way to sticky so that this could be added to. I will give credit to anons for helping on this project as it is not for my ego rather it is for the good of humanity Ty and for the future of my grandchildren. Thanks in advance. TheGr8🎃
I am working on research for a video I am making and need help
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I litteraly had so much research compiled to put this together and boom. It’s gone. Lesson learned. My mind has not been as sharp since loosing my wife and it’s been crazy being a single dad so be patient with me. I really want to share this gift with the world. It is very very time consuming and takes lots of time to piece togather and edit properly. Making yt videos is not as easy as some think. Making a documentary is way harder. Mine will be for comedy so that it is easy for normies to digest. They will eat it up with every laugh.
There is downloadable software for recovering files from hard drives. I've had great success. I worked on one drive a couple of years ago from a computer that appeared to have been stored in a barn for years. I had to do major cleaning of the outside of the drive before I could let it near my own equipment. I put it in an external drive enclosure, ran the software, and it recovered almost everything, including virus files and porn. I only put good files on the drive I gave him, as he's married now.
There are a lot of good, long videos online that you can download to slice and dice for your own project.
I have lots of partitioning and recovery software I just don’t feel like messing with it. It’s been a sad year. I want to start fresh.
If you don't include Trudeau's eyebrow falling off you will have missed a golden moment.
This post has piqued my curiosity and I like where it's going. But every event ever is a long ass watch. Normies have the attention span of a gnat.
Break it up into small digestible chunks.
My first thought was to highlight the connection between juicy smolet and the anti lynching laws. Dude is already a punchline normies are familiar with laughing at.
Thanks I will
Thanks for the reminder. I implemented an automated backup system years ago but recently it was causing problems so I paused it. As a result, my latest project wasn't being copied!
Note: SSDs are no more reliable than rotating drives. All drives have typically a 5 year life. I archive my drives every 5 years and fit new ones.
Good to know but I thought the whole point of ssd was their sustainable nature.
The jury is out on typical longevity but they definitely fail. My friend had one fail after a year. I bought a "used/refurbished" SSD that failed as soon as I formatted it. And when an SSD fails it's not like, say, a scratched platter or minor "medium failure" where most or all of the data can often be recovered.